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Search results

  1. Amala

    Rate the User Title above you!

  2. Amala

    Rate the avatar above you

    5/10 I have no idea who that is. But they're a NIN-JA
  3. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because your nose is illegal.
  4. Amala

    You're Banned

    *looks at posters rank* *looks at own usertitle and rank* O_o Aaaaanywho... you're banned because banana's are eating the beach before sunset.
  5. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    Harry Potter
  6. Amala

    It's a good game, but I think there are book versions? I'd have to check that out.

    It's a good game, but I think there are book versions? I'd have to check that out.
  7. Amala

    If you had a tail...

    A prehensile tail. I'd go fluffy one but you know how much shampoo and brushing it'd need to stay glorious?
  8. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because your mind cannot comprehend the sheer awesome that is the word 'ebil'.
  9. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    HP Lovecraft
  10. Amala

    Doctor Who Club

    Farting aliens with zippers? (Laughs) For real, that is the single most crazy thing I've ever heard of.
  11. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    Thief ((You stole my sammiches.))
  12. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned because miltank are ebil.
  13. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  14. Amala

    Doctor Who Club

    Ok! I'll do that. So I started. I don't like the the Doctor so far. (I just finished the second episode with Rose.) Not putting stuff in spoilers because it's pretty old. First his ears are outright distracting, and for some reason I can't understand his accent, but I understand everyone...
  15. Amala

    Force Unleashed was a good game, II wasn't as good, but it was still fun to...

    Force Unleashed was a good game, II wasn't as good, but it was still fun to buttonmashlightsaberflipweeee. ^Entire game.
  16. Amala

    Doctor Who Club

    Though I remember someone telling me not all the episodes are on netflix? Something about specials?
  17. Amala

    Doctor Who Club

    *avoids spoilers like the plague* I'd like to join. I haven't seen much of dr who but I've seen a few episodes, and it looks pretty cool. I read the thread and I'll check out the suggested episodes. Where can I find them at?
  18. Amala

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    Was it generation 3 or 4 that they intruduced the 3D thing? Like not the real 3D like the 3DS, but like being able to go under stuff? I think it was four, where I got stuck because I didn't realize I could go under this cycling bridge thing for like four hours. >.<
  19. Amala

    You're Banned

    :angry: You're banned beacuase cheese. *and yes I meant to spell it in awesome*
  20. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

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