• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Search results

  1. Amala

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    *blushes* Awww, it's nothing! And third badge and no deaths on a Nuzlocke? Pretty cool!
  2. Amala


  3. Amala

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    I love your sig gif!
  4. Amala

    You're Banned

    You're banned for banning LuckyLapras for having 'pwnage' in their usertitle. 'Pwnage' pwns.
  5. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  6. Amala

    Maybe it's something that deserves to be amended, mmm? *runs off to lecture on the Force*

    Maybe it's something that deserves to be amended, mmm? *runs off to lecture on the Force*
  7. Amala


    Hmm, I didn't notice it. Maybe someone, somewhere, spilled milk?
  8. Amala

    what languages do you speak?

    Of course English, but I speak a little German as well, but not much since I never finished the class. :(
  9. Amala

    Don't worry I'm used to vb forums. And I do believe I was offered tea and cod in my intro thread...

    Don't worry I'm used to vb forums. And I do believe I was offered tea and cod in my intro thread actually. But please don't talk down to me like that. Just because I'm new to these forums doesn't mean I'm new to using forums.
  10. Amala


  11. Amala

    I must be lucky then that I got the finished product! :3

    I must be lucky then that I got the finished product! :3
  12. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  13. Amala

    Wow! That was a really big welcome post! Thanks!

    Wow! That was a really big welcome post! Thanks!
  14. Amala

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Thanks for the welcome!
  15. Amala


    Thank you!~ May the Force be with you as well! Oooo fish! *takes plate* *looks at foam sword* No thanks, I got this! *draws and activates pink lightsaber* Rocks! Thanks everyone! I'm sure I'll like it here. I'll try to post more!
  16. Amala

    Where? I don't see it... *feels silly*

    Where? I don't see it... *feels silly*
  17. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

  18. Amala


    HI! I am Amala, and I'm new~! I've been stalking this place for a while now and finally chose to join! Let's see... I like pokemon of course, but I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan.
  19. Amala

    Yet Another Association Game

    (Best first post ever I think. :D) Superman
  20. Amala


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