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Search results

  1. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    Use Roost to restore you health. Then use Double Team to create three clones. If you're not able to use that move for some reason then use Facade . Then when Lijierfai is least expecting the attack, use Facade. Roost~Double Team/Facade~Facade (I think I did that right)
  2. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "Yuck! I hate dry berries!" Said Tales Tales flew up into a tall tree. There he found small yellow berries with one little curly green nut on them. He pecked a branch until it fell to the ground along with the berries on it. Tales then flew back down to the ground and swallowed one of the...
  3. Yanmega

    What's your real name?

    My full name? Blah. Timothy Samuel Poulin (Rhymes with foolin'). Everyone calls me Tim. Everyone always makes fun of my last name. Also, don't you dare call me Timmy or I will hunt you down.
  4. Yanmega

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I lost (again) on the can of whoopass thing and the bunny foo foo.
  5. Yanmega

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this challenge Profile
  6. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "What the heck are you saying!?" Shouted Tales, turning to Dusk
  7. Yanmega

    What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

    Ok. I like pasta with butter on it for breakfast! There. I said it.
  8. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "I think I already said this! I'm Tales! An species of pokemon undiscovered to most men!" Tales said in a cheery voice
  9. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    Ok Buzz. First use Sunny Day to brighten up the arena. Then use Solor Beam. After that you should Chill. Sunny Day~Solor beam~Chill
  10. Yanmega

    Bank of TCoD

    Collecting allowance. 3+3=6$
  11. Yanmega

    "Wish you were" Club

    I'd like to be some type of marine animal. Like a seal or a sea lion.
  12. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    Ok first use Hypnosis to put it to sleep! Then use Dream Eater to restore some health! Lastly, take advantage of your paralyzed status and use Facade! Hypnosis~Dream Eater~Facade
  13. Yanmega

    Are you right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?

    Left handed. Yay.
  14. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "Can anyone read human language?" Said Tales in a depressed voice "Maybe we could read a sign or something telling us where we are."
  15. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "It's about time! This place smells!" Said Tales, following Mizutwo
  16. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "I-i'm T-Tales. I'm a F-flying Grass type. Can we just get out of here? I don't like this place." Said Tales nervously
  17. Yanmega

    Open The Search for Peace

    "I know how to get out!" Said Tales happily. Tales then used a headbutt on the cage. Nothing happened. Another head used headbutt. It made a slight dent on the iron bars. A different head then used headbutt on the cage. The dent was much larger now. The last head used headbutt and the iron bars...
  18. Yanmega

    Yanmega vs Keta

    Ok Buzz first use Foresight to make sure the next move hits. Then use supersonic to confuse Lijierfai. Now lastly Bug Buzz! Foresight~Supersonic~Bug Buzz
  19. Yanmega

    Idea Center

    YES!!! Make one now!
  20. Yanmega

    What Pokemon do you like that other people hate?

    I like ninjask! I'm just too lazy to train them! I like exeggcute, pincer, gastly, and slakoth (Just some. I'm feeling lazy)
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