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Search results

  1. Sandstone-Shadow

    Small-ish Graphics Request Shop!

    Ehehehe XD; glad it wasn’t urgent! I still have a file open for it so I’ll uh... do it eventually :D Hi!! :D And sure, I’ll see what I can do!! I haven’t really been super on top of these requests so it probably won’t be anytime soon XD;
  2. Sandstone-Shadow

    Small-ish Graphics Request Shop!

    :D Sure I could probably make you a banner! Do you have any ideas on size and color scheme and stuff?
  3. Sandstone-Shadow

    Small-ish Graphics Request Shop!

    Ooo sure, I’d love to!! :D Hmm yeah, how about let me know what kind of style/mood you want, along with size and text? If you have any particular renders in mind, I can use those, but otherwise I’ll probably pull from TCG art and the like! :D
  4. Sandstone-Shadow

    Small-ish Graphics Request Shop!

    So back in the day, I used to love making all sorts of little graphics things! Link buttons, banners, avatars, etc. Since there's been some re-emergence of fansites here, I've become inspired :D And so I thought I'd open a little request shop here in case anyone's interested? Examples (pls...
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