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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    "Oh yeah? Well I'm not going to make it easy," he countered, his eyes sparkling with challenge. Daring her to mke good. A rush of pride and excitement flooded him. After being behind Kitto back home, it had been fun to come out on top for once. And even more fun to have a real rival again, that...
  2. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Breathing in sharp gasps, Koa stood facing Shira's downed form, his soul still burning, his body feeling so light. Unburdened. It hurt, he could feel the blows he'd taken and the aches, but his thoughts were bright. Free of doubt. Fighting Shira lit something in him. The way she fought, the...
  3. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Everything else fell away as Koa let the light guide him and his instincts take over. Shira was fast, and her claws sang through the air, every move practiced and efficient. For every blow he gave, she met with a block or counter. And for every feint he tried, he'd get caught by one of hers...
  4. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Koa brought up a paw just in time as her flame coated limbs struck, leaving his fur toasted and arms stinging. The blow sent him skidding back and he grinned as he caught himself. Definitely a cut above. No more testing then. He had a decent feel for Shira's capabilities, and this wasn't life...
  5. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    "The only good way to fight is to give it everything you got, right until the end," he countered, the fire of combat shining in his eyes. Her enthusiam for good martial arts was contagious and refreshing. Kitto probably would have loved to spar with her. Scrapper too. He tensed as he saw her...
  6. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    "Yeah! My friend back home taught me a little bit of martial arts. Guess it rubbed off on me." Though there was a few times he felt oddly compelled to switch to distance attacks... maybe it was a species thing. Pushing aside the stray thought, he hurriedly followed her to the training grounds...
  7. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Koa bounced on his paws a little, a rush of excitement and determination flowing through him. Any of his tiredness slipped away at her offer and a smirk tugged at his jaws. Akela and the others in the abbey could wait. "Let's go now," he declared, without hesitation. His interest surged as he...
  8. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    Koa's eyes lit up and he grinned. "Oh yeah? You know us Wayfarers picked up Radiance too. So maybe you can show me the ropes." Radiance felt good to use. Right. If he could learn more then people like Alex wouldn't be a problem.Although the mention of Saints soured his excitement ever so...
  9. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    "Sick!" Koa said eagerly as he followed her. He watched as a strange looking Primape-like pokemon effortlessly tossed a boulder. Was that more Radiance at work? Could he learn to do that? His gaze lingered on the pokemon for a few moments before he turned his attention back to Shira. "You must...
  10. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey

    That was one way to make an entrance. He glanced at the cliffs Shira had descended from, impressed. Man, he kind of missed having arms... Would have been nice to turn into a Riolu or something. "Friend," Koa answered amicably. "Koamaru. I'm part of the group that visited here before, the...
  11. Tetra

    Obstinea Mountains Obstine Abbey
    Threadmarks: Ch06: Light Sparring [Shira & Koa]

    Not too long after defeating Zapdos... A rush of awe and wonder filled Koa as he approached the Abbey and took in the view. The sight of the Gyrados in particular caught his eye. So this was Obstine Abbey. Between what the team had said and the rumors, and it certainly lived up to the...
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