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Search results

  1. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Yes, but Fafneer's abillity lowers his defense. And I just realized the boost should be 1.5x3, which means 4.5, a 4 damage boost in ASB langauge.
  2. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    I calculate stat changes in my own way: For each stat change, there is a 1.5 difference. That means a +1 will raise damage by 1, while a +2 will raise damage by 3.
  3. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Acctualy, Force Palm's base power is 60, while the base damage is 6. The critical raised the damage by 6, (since 60:10=6)which is why fafneer fainted in the end. 6+6+1(stab)=13x1.5(super effective)=19+(1.5(stat change)x2)=22 Hm.. When I think about it, the damage was acctualy calculated a...
  4. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: After Crunch fainted, Linoone recalled him, sending out her next and final pokemon: Riley the riolu. Once he was sent out, Linoone shouted a few commands, and under them was the sentence "Crush him!". Riolu, however, was a little bit undermotivated- he stood before a big...
  5. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Acctualy, I know that reptiles don't have(insert disturbing private place name) like mammals do, so that was the part the should be funny. Eh, I have sluggish humor. >.<
  6. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: Round 7 Linoone's Pack(Oo) [Crunch]Croconaw<M> Health: 3% Energy: 19% Status: ...(+4 Attack, Tormented(Mild)) Commands: Endure ~ Flail/Detect ~ Flail/Endure Kindling's...
  7. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Acctualy, in ASB, no attack(expect stuff like aerial ace) ALWAYS hits. That is, if someone uses Flamethrower on someone else but rolls a 1-5 out of 100, the attack will miss. And in fafneer's case, the RNG gods weren't kind and he rolled a 2. And in water Pulse' case, it really didn't require...
  8. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    DQ Warning for KQ. You have about 48 hours to post yours commands from now. I know It's a little soon, but it might be possible the forums ate my post.
  9. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: The referee looked at the battlers, munching on a cookie, and stopping when he realized the reffing was late. "Round 6 start!" Round 6 Linoone's Pack(Oo)...
  10. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Oh, right. Well, I'll remake the whole round T.T Made it in quite a hurry and didn't notice the specific commands...
  11. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: Round 6 Linoone's Pack(Oo) [Crunch]Croconaw<M> Health: 33% Energy: 35% Status: Grrr........ (+4 Attack, Tormented(moderate)) Commands: Water Pulse/Chill/Rain Dance ~...
  12. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Oh forgot. Sorry.
  13. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: KQ grabbed her next pokeball after recalling her Vulpix, seemingly taking her defeat hard. She threw it towards Crunch, and out of it came Fafneer the Houndoom, letting out a defeaning howl. Crunch burst into laughter, seeing how thin he was, but stopped the instant he...
  14. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Hmmm... Yes, I forgot to calculate in the attack boost. I'll fix that. And what you said sounds like quite a good reason... I'll raise the second attack's power by 2%, then.
  15. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: Round 4 Kindling's Fighters(Oo) [N/A]Vulpix<F> Health: 20% Energy: 39% Status: Grr.. +4 Attack Commands: Quick Attack~Flail~Flail Linoone's Pack(Oo)...
  16. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: Vulpix simply grinned, thinking how delightful it will be to finally hurt Crunch. Crunch got ready to fight, with no technique whatsoever. Round 3 Kindling's Fighters(Oo) [N/A]Vulpix<F> Health: 65% Energy: 60% Status: OWOWOWOW!(Safeguarded for 2 more actions) Commands...
  17. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

  18. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: Both pokemon come back to battle, each of them eager to finally damage their opponent, one basing on pure offence and one going more tactical. Crunch jumped around nervously, looking at the cocoa cake greedily, masses of drool coming out of his mouth and soaking the cake...
  19. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Fixed that. Anyway, I'll try to make the next E-round for you today. If you are interested that is.
  20. L

    Crazy Linoone vs. Kindling Queen

    Arena description: On a gigantic chunk of dark chocolate cake, 60% to be presize, the ASB trainers Crazy Linoone and Kindling Queen appear, accompanied by a Turtwig wearing a hat with the letter 'E' on it and an Abra wearing a santa claus costume. the trainers shake hands, and then each go to...
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