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Search results

  1. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Laura allowed herself a moment to close her eyes, breathe, tell herself everything will be alright. Whatever happens, it'll be alright. "I'll see what I can find out," she told those still nearby, "and then, I guess... we can come up with a plan. Good night, and um... I'll see you guys...
  2. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora exchanged a glance with various of the other 'mon. "...I honestly don't know. And I don't know that I'm willin' to try it." She took her hat and briefly pressed it to her chest, and made a slight bow. "I thank y'all again fer what you've done tonight, but I gotta talk to my crew 'bout...
  3. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    The outlaw managed a grim smile. "My crew and I are pretty used to hittin' these wagons by now. Small wonder the bird had it out fer me specifically so bad. But will these wagons even run the route now that the king's outta play?" Laura bit her lip. "Well, they might. If everything's...
  4. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    "That sounds agreeable enough to me," replied Lucien, as they exited the ballroom. He looked around, as if searching for something. Or someone. Rin and Raul were not where they had collapsed earlier. "Please do let me know if you spot those heads of security. I have questions for them." They...
  5. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora eyed the derringer with suspicion. "Ain't illegal, or nothin'. But carryin' one is kinda like admittin' you're comfortable killin' someone if'n you win a duel. ...Or without havin' a duel at all. You'd best find someone to teach you how to use it if you mean to keep it – and bullets...
  6. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Ignatius got unsteadily to his feet, the fight thoroughly beaten out of him and his escape rendered impossible. The bandits, and doubtless many of the heroic spirits, watched him leave in custody with considerable satisfaction. There was even a little jeering from the crowd of guests; people...
  7. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Ignatius shot first Kalas, then Dave, a withering stare. "As if either of you pissants know a thing about my perspective," he muttered, mostly to himself. Then, because he was a creature who lived to be heard, he added, "You have won this day, though I do not know by what devilry you did so...
  8. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    "Steven, wait...?" But he was gone. Lucien looked after Steven, a slightly-shaky wingtip pressed to his mouth. He watched the Beldum go. He looked up at where the crowd of spirits he had sheltered were gloating over his incapacitated father. And he glanced at Nova as the Graydian carried a...
  9. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    There was one more 'mon in a bad way in that ballroom – knockout attacks were very rarely fatal to adult pokémon, but Corey had taken an extraordinary elemental attack while already close to fainting. When an aura breaks in battle, and a pokémon faints, they will recover. But not always...
  10. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor
    Threadmarks: [Ch02] ~ Kotov Syndrome

    Ignatius struggled for breath enough to spit back an insult. Even thoroughly defeated, he was a creature of immense pride. "Gloat if you wish," he muttered. "It is... impossible... for you to have accomplished this... alone." Squatting on the balustrade behind him, Grafaiai Vago gave the group...
  11. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Rin's expert footwork turned to stumbling as she lost her piercing vision. And that was all it took for the rout she'd expected to become a decisive defeat for her. "Foolish..." she gasped, trying to stay conscious. Defiant to the end, the Bisharp collapsed on the marbled floor, her blades...
  12. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    The ballroom battleground was a frenzy at a glance. The mayor and his bodyguards were dispatching one fighter, then another, and then another. To some, he might have looked invincible. To one who looked carefully, and for long enough, however... The heroic spirits were winning. From his...
  13. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Lucien looked a little pale, but remarkably composed for someone who by all appearances was watching his own father's imminent defeat or triumph in a battle for the fate of his town. "Well met, Beldum Steven," he replied, evenly. "While I've not had the pleasure, I know who you are. One of the...
  14. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    The crowd were mostly either catatonic or hysterical by now. The boldest amongst them did not have it in them to join the fray or speak out, and the wisest 'mon were shepherding the others to safety under the mezzanine, behind marble pillars that would protect them from stray attacks. "What do...
  15. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor
    Threadmarks: [Ch01 Finale] ~ VS Ignatius

    Sonora's face lit up at the sight of nearly a dozen allies pouring into the room. "There's that cavalry at last!" She must have thought that Mabosstiff had taken out Hob & Nero and any recruits, and that no help was coming... But Laura stumbled through the archway after Odette moments later...
  16. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora nodded gratefully to Mhynt. "If I even make it outta here, I'd love to, darlin'." Ignatius scoffed. "Is this your idea of professionalism, Ms Bellatrix? I don't recall you having so many scruples when you agreed to work for me." He shook his head scornfully. "No, I have every confidence...
  17. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora gave Corey a flabbergasted look. "The fuck are you talkin' about?" she growled. "Like I could accidentally kill—?? You stupid fuckin' paw-licker. I shoulda kicked your ass properly." Mayor Ignatius' disdainful sneer grew wider. "Yes, listen to this young fellow! This is the lawless...
  18. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora took a deep breath, and stepped up atop the balustrade to leap down from the mezzanine and re-enter the fray. She looked tired. Her fur was singed, and bruises showed on her arms. "Don't think you've beaten me just yet," she sang, her voice tense. "Sera, you'd best get outta the fray...
  19. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Sonora flashed a fanged smile at the teleporting Treecko. "Why don'tcha check out mister mayor down there, huh? Have a think about what he's not doin'. Surely you've heard the ruckus above us by now? But he's too busy ogling you an' me to pay it any mind! Which suits me just fine, partner! Don't...
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