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Search results

  1. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave took a breath, finally relaxing muscles that'd been tensed since Andre's confession. Betel summoning him here was a fucking choice. He supposed it was Andre's world that'd sent him, technically - so, what, did his universe agree that what he was doing was good and moral? What the fuck was...
  2. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave looked stiffly back at Andre. The guy was obviously fucking delusional in the worst way. He deserved to get caught and rot in jail for it. He sought out targets. He justified himself with lofty consequentialism while clearly motivated to torture by some weird fucking sadist impulse for...
  3. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave shuddered, looking away. He wouldn't lose any sleep over someone killing the nightmare demon dragon who was fixing to take over the world. At that point they were off in fantasyland anyway, fighting monsters. Being Andre would just make it worse, because then it'd come with all this fucking...
  4. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave took a breath, eyes still on Andre. Yeah. He hadn't killed Ridley, had he. Whatever warped sense of justice Andre had going on, it didn't include murdering people to shut them up. Small comforts. Even though, in the ostensibly consequentialist framing, it'd be only fucking logical, wouldn't...
  5. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    And just like that, Andre was back to appearing jarringly normal, as if it had never happened. Dave's hackles were still up, feet backed up against the wall. "And what, you're going to kill me if I do?" His heart pounded sickeningly in his chest. "If you're liable to just go out there and...
  6. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    And suddenly, Andre's eyes erupted into a glow of Radiance, his voice reverberating with the familiar buzz as he declared himself the truest form of justice. "Jesus Christ," Dave said, ears flattening, hackles rising as he backed away. "Do you even fucking hear yourself? You even sound like a...
  7. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave's stomach twisted in revulsion. He stared back at Andre, this little deer half his fucking height admitting to murder and torture without remorse. This entire fucking situation was absurd. "So then it's not about getting them off the fucking streets at all, is it? It's not about how...
  8. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    He'd been expecting a counterargument, more rationalizations. Instead, all Andre said was that they deserved pain. Dave stared at him for a nauseating second. "So that's what you do? You make this whole noble consequentialist argument about how it's all about getting them off the streets...
  9. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Oh yeah, he was sorry that happened to him. He didn't sound very fucking sorry. "Yeah, bet that guy would've also said he 'couldn't be scared off from acting by concerns of going too far'. Newsflash, random assholes just deciding to murder anyone they think deserves it isn't a sustainable way...
  10. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    "So you want to do something about it, and the first thing you think of doing about it is fucking murder?" Great. Yeah, he should've just gone and shot Isaac Daniels. Problem fucking solved. That's how you make the world better, just murder all the scumbags. Nobody left but people who love...
  11. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    God, Dave wished Andre would stop talking. Every godforsaken fucking rationalization was making this so much worse. It'd be one thing if he had the decency to be remorseful about it. Instead he was here still going on about is it really so bad and protecting his community. Fuck. "Oh, you have...
  12. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave stared at him. What. What. What in the name of fuck. At the first sentence he'd thought Andre was joking or exaggerating or something, that he was just blaming himself for something for no good reason, but no, then came the justifications. Abusers and rapists and pedophiles and bigots -...
  13. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave squinted at him. "What."
  14. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Jesus Christ. Ridley'd threatened him into this? He was about to tell Andre that look, no, that was some creepy fucking blackmail and he would personally get up in Ridley's face about it and possibly have a word with Betel about what the fuck, but Andre kept going before he had the chance. Dave...
  15. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Oh, Lord. Dave narrowed his eyes. Ridley'd put him up to this? Why the fuck would he demand Andre tell at least a few people about his own private business? "I mean," he began, "if you want, but as far as I'm concerned you don't need to tell me shit. I don't know why Ridley thinks he can cajole...
  16. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Dave was chilling in his bed with a book from the library when he was interrupted by a knock and a familiar Deerling's voice. Andre. Sounding kind of nervous. Huh. They'd had a pleasant enough conversation back at the museum, but he'd hardly expected him to suddenly seek him out for some kind...
  17. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The thing was down. Or... not down exactly, but spent, struggling to keep its balance. It really hadn't known what hit it. Beneath the sheer exhaustion of going at it with everything he fucking had, a rush of hormonal triumph was rising in his chest, dumb instincts real pleased with victory like...
  18. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    Behind the door, Dave dug through the bag on his belt for a Leppa as the horrid noises outside in the hallway continued, drowned out by his ragged breathing and thundering heartbeat. Come on, come on. There it was. He scarfed it down, barely chewing, staring at a spot on the wall. Crunching...
  19. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The thing had fucking evolved. This time he avoided the worst of it, bracing as a barrage of spikes rained across the entire room, but the now-Drapion laid in on Wes and Kimiko, clearly having identified them as the most dangerous targets. The Oshawott leapt in front of Wes, giving the Rockruff...
  20. Butterfree

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

    The onslaught would almost have been said to be going well, only despite the fluid synchronicity of their attacks, the Skorupi didn't seem anywhere close to defeat, only leaking more of its foul stench all over everything, the thing only somehow growing and bulging with whatever ghoulish energy...
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