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Search results

  1. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Yeah, I was reading item descriptions, so maybe I just didn't pick up the right items? :v I also played a lot blinder than I did with DaS and DaS2, so that's probably something to do with it. I just watched a plot summary video on YouTube and it turns out there's a lot more going on than I...
  2. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I picked up Bloodborne again yesterday, figuring I was roughly halfway through. I just beat the final boss. Like... I know Souls games don't just give you the plot on a plate but I have absolutely no idea what it was about beyond "go to the place and kill the thing, repeat until credits". :v
  3. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    so much splatoon holy christ
  4. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    still basically just dark souls and dark souls 2 i think i might actually have a problem pls help
  5. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Watching several dozen installments of a Dark Souls LP has inspired me to give it a third shot, and I think I'm actually sorta getting into it at last. Definitely something I can see myself playing for the long run, even though I do suck at it quite atrociously. I'm also in the midst of a Dark...
  6. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: What Games Are You Playing? (Redux) I just got home with a new copy of Kingdom Hearts 3D, which I had all but dismissed as another game I was going to buy just because Kingdom Hearts, play for four hours and then go back to ignoring all my consoles/handhelds forever. Then I noticed Neku in...
  7. Meowth

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: What Games Are You Playing? (Redux) Mostly just slogging through all the crap I picked up in the Steam Summer Sale, as I'm sure many of us are. I've put ~50 hours into Skyrim so when I've done a little more of that I'll work on getting round to playing the Assassin's Creed series, Beyond...
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