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Search results

  1. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Following the meeting with Owen, Nova tells those Wayfarers assembled that he wants a small group to go straight to the Voidlands via Twilight Quarry to directly distract Alexander (and whatever weird minions he has) while the others cut off his dungeon access points. He asks for volunteers to...
  2. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova also tells Sage about Terminal One, but says he's not going because he's going directly to distract Alexander. He also warns Sage that, while their radiance can counter shadows, too much of it will make them extra vulnerable to shadows. "You'll have to balance things out. But I'm sure you...
  3. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Between returning from the Quarry and heading to the Bulletin Board, Nova drops by the Zera and goes into a bit more detail about the Alexander situation with Gerome. He notes the machamp is able to resist Alexander's corruption and could actually help the Wayfarers, but has requested Gerome's...
  4. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Prior to Election Day, Nova manages to track Dayle down. He says he has intel that the Psychic War is spreading beyond the reaches of the Soja... and that Dayle running for mayor is exactly what the psychics want to happen, so that he's stuck behind a desk instead of on the front lines "holding...
  5. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova takes Ein's words, writes them up, and takes them to Lucien. "Look, I've got one of those after davids!" he says, botching the proper term affidavit, as someone living under a rock would. He asks if he and/or the Rangers can have a warden (warrant) to find and search Arpagone's current...
  6. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    After hearing this weirdo sneasler's statements, an incredibly paranoid Nova writes them down on paper. He spoke so vaguely and nothing from his words or profile seemed to line up with what Nova thought he knew about Forlas. What are the odds these Cipher people had sent someone down from up...
  7. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova makes it back, has one look at the Gazette issue, and immediately recalls what he said to Powehi and Zapdos. If he tries to use his Wayfarer status to influence things, that would just be exerting his influence. Instead, he takes the candidate profiles (sans Lucien) over to the Escarpa and...
  8. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova primarily equips his Water Drive and has a combination of Iron Defense, Rebellious Soul, and Multi-Attack to deal with the fire and ground-type phantasms, while also using Follow Me and the occasional King's Shield to draw attention away from whoever's accompanying him. He also tries to use...
  9. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    "Tell us what kind of tech's at Terminal One, for starters, and then we'll talk." Nova's also taken to "affectionately" referring to Venus as "Pasta Noodle" whenever he drops by Ranger HQ.
  10. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    "Hey, so, about that protection..." Nova returns following the Twilight Quarry investigation and explains the situation with the dungeon, how it seems to actively corrupt those who go inside it. He also describes Owen's current state and says some Wayfarers are preparing a potential raid into...
  11. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova had been in something of a slump. With his search for... higher Divine Dungeons going basically nowhere, he'd mostly resigned himself to staying around the cabin with Sage. Nova traveled into town infrequently, mostly for supplies or to sell stuff he was now growing in the garden outside...
  12. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    "That's the Commonwealth place, right?" Nova says he's willing to help, though there's a bit of trepidation in that he would stick out like a sore thumb in that city. But it's not like the Covenant don't know about him, since he showed himself to that guy who's buds with Nolan. They may not...
  13. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    (+ @Chibi Pika) Nova is very quick to check the Gazette's classifieds and assorted signs posted around town to see if there are any vacated spaces on the edge of town looking for a buyer. He's got a decent enough cash surplus since he wasn't paying any board at the Haus. He also reaches out to...
  14. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova's response is that, even though it's counterintuitive, Archie has to try and minimize his fears over his situation. Because that fear could feed into the shadows and make sort of feedback loop. Instead, he suggests they work together to figure out a means of purging that corruption. Perhaps...
  15. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    (Tmw you've mainly been in group scenes with NPCs and the ones you might have affinities with can't take part...) Nova's hit a bit of a brick wall trying to figure out anything about the RKS System in this world. Not that it ultimately matters much for him, since he doesn't believe type...
  16. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Before Nova leaves for the Timeless Oasis, he makes sure to pay Grace a visit to thank her for her help in getting his helmet to break.
  17. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    At a follow up training session post-broken mask, Nova decides to take a shot in the dark with Mewtwo. He asks if he thinks there's any way he can replicate type-energy disks like he does with poké balls. And if not, if he thinks he knows an alternate means... or somewhere that has them or the...
  18. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova hands Fein's body over the coroner's office, explaining that the zoroark is the Wolf's real identity and that he and a few other Wayfarers will be meeting with Lucien shortly to discuss the matter further. He simply asks for some sort of written proof that he'd brought the body here, at...
  19. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    During his next training session, Nova asks Mewtwo a few questions. Namely... 1) If literally "opening his heart" to a shadow 'mon through battle could help to calm them. 2) If this special bond he's working on growing can amplify the strength of one's heart in a battle. 3) If standing tall and...
  20. Ambyssin

    Offscreen Activities

    Nova eventually learns about what happened with several folks and some sort of wagon. He doesn't respond. In fact, he's mostly just been going about his business. Literally. Nova's been working rather hard to try and give himself a decent little savings pot. He has a feeling he'll need it...
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