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Search results

  1. HelloYellow17

    Offscreen Activities

    After his chat with Kimiko, Wes asks Betel to pass along everything he and Archie learned about and from the Wolf to the rest of the team. He also visits the Sand Veil Archives to try to learn more about Radiance. While he’s there, out of sheer curiosity, he researches this world’s...
  2. HelloYellow17

    Offscreen Activities

    [LLLONG OVERDUE offscreen post oh boy here we go] After his scrap with Koa, Wes visits Drungfield again for more treatment for his aggravated injury and gets a scolding from her. The next day, Wes then runs the errands for Drungfield that she requested and gets a taste of what a mystery...
  3. HelloYellow17

    Offscreen Activities

    After visiting the bar and meeting Dave and Gerome, Wes wanders Main Street until he finds a tinkerer to hire him on. He then bumps into Koa on Main Street* and they have a great time getting introduced. He retires to the Haus for the evening.** *currently writing this scene with Tetra in DMs...
  4. HelloYellow17

    Offscreen Activities

    Wes bids Gladion a friendly farewell and finds a bed at Traveller’s Haus to sleep. His sleep is restless, and he awakes exhausted and twice as sore as yesterday after so much walking on an injured leg. He seeks out an apothecary or doctor’s office to receive treatment for his injury. Later, he...
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