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Search results

  1. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    How much of a boost in speed does Tailwind provide? The Guide says a slight boost, while the games say that speed doubles. If the Guide is correct, how much is "slight"?
  2. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Yeah, that was what I was asking, thank you. I didn't really phrase it properly.
  3. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    The description of Bide says "The energy associated with every damage-dealing attack the user endures is stored up throughout the round". Does this mean that one could use Bide at the start of the first action, take three damaging attacks, and then release Bide, or are they restricted to only...
  4. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    So, I assume the cold storage (as in the tournament battle area) does not have windows?
  5. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Will Solarbeam's power be decreased if used inside?
  6. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Once a Pokemon uses Hidden Power in battle, is it aware of its typing for the rest of the battle? For example, could you order your Pokemon to do this: "Alright Joe, start with Hidden Power. For the next two actions, if your Hidden Power turns out to be Dragon or Ice-type, use it again, and...
  7. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Could a Pokemon using Sleep Talk call its Signature Move?
  8. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    If a Pokemon is ordered to close their eyes and use an attack that cannot miss, will it still always hit? EDIT: Also, Tackle is still listed as 35 Power, when it is now 50
  9. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    That was a battle between Grass King and I
  10. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Do Refresh, Aromatherapy, etc. count as direct healing moves?
  11. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    I think this should be will not
  12. Eta Carinae

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Does Taunt stop Future Sight? And alternatively, would Future Sight fail if Taunt was used after Future Sight was ordered but before the damage was taken?
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