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Search results

  1. T

    You're Banned

    You're banned because METAPOD COMBO BREAKER
  2. T

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a wild Matt Smith. In goes my apartment from Broadchurch
  3. T

    Lie About the Above Poster

    Is really a tiger^
  4. T

    Yet Another Association Game

    Crash Bandicoot II [Cortex Strikes Back]
  5. T

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes ME. *insert a slutty car*
  6. T

    You're Banned

    You're banned because it's now stuck in my head.
  7. T

    I've discovered a completely irrelevant glitch in gen V

    I've heard of this happening before on other games. Sounds cool.
  8. T

    Yet Another Association Game

  9. T

    You're Banned

    You're banned because you're older than me... (I'm going to get shredded by you lot on this game aren't I?)
  10. T

    Vending Machine Game

    ...and it comes out again to haunt you Insert a Piplup.
  11. T

    Yet Another Association Game

  12. T

    The "Fwee" Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYKTIS5G41Y I GOT A MENTION<3
  13. T

    Suggestions Let's try this one more time

    I see. Naturally after a long absence from the spriting scene I'll not be as good but hey, cheers for the critique, we'll see where this takes us.
  14. T

    Suggestions Let's try this one more time

    So, I've decided to get out the trusty Paint program, get some sprites together and take one more crack at producing a sprite. It went...horrifically. If anyone knows how to improve it, then please feel free to critique, I really need the help :P Of course, more will come soon over time. View...
  15. T

    Guess who's back...

    I have no idea what that means...I don't think I ever did to be fair. yeah 100% legit me, don't worry about it
  16. T

    Guess who's back...

    In case you haven't guessed already, hey it's me, Terry. T. (poetry is awesome.) I have been given permission to make a new account so here I am, I suppose. I've tried to improve my spriting but not done that much since I was banned. However I have got a bit better and now don't lash out at...
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