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Search results

  1. A

    Viki vs. Adriane

    Okay, Altron, if any combination of three attacks there lands, you're done for. So let's do what we can to prevent that from happening while also giving us something of a favourable working condition. Protect and burning are right out, so let's try this: it'll be risky, but put on some swagger...
  2. A

    Viki vs. Adriane

    Okay! An excellent start. Now, since water pulse is something of an annoyance, let's try disabling it. Then, if the coast is still clear, follow up with a will-o-wisp. Flare blitz for the finale. Should Chiepoo want to protect himself, you should instead psych up. Disable/Psych Up ~...
  3. A

    Viki vs. Adriane

    Altron, I hate to break it to you, but the Radish Emperor speaks truth. There will be no coatings of magic and I doubt we can avoid Taunt in its entirety so go ahead and get mad. Flame charge twice so you can outpace the cat with the funny forehead. Then let off some of that angry steam with an...
  4. A

    Viki vs. Adriane

    Let us go with Altron, then!
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