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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Thing is, Earthquake and Reversal can't be combined, I don't think :P Had the RNG gods decided on a slightly lower number (Psytallica rolled a 56), Bobino would've won for sure. Good game, both of you~
  2. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Round Seven Riolu Riley (F) <Steadfast> Health: 1% Energy: 48% Status: Hanging onto his last shred of consciousness. +4 Attack, -1 Sp. Def. Commands: Reversal + Earthquake/Reversal/Chill ~ Reversal + Earthquake/Reversal/Chill ~ Reversal/Chill Bobino (xO) Bronzor Psytallica (N/A) <Heatproof>...
  3. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    "Other stuff" would mean that one round for Mike vs. BlazieAura vs. Lord Shyguy, am I right? Honestly, I was so busy that it took an entire week to make that one reffing. Exams and stuff are over, so I'll be able to get this up in a day or two, but since my absence ended on Thursday I...
  4. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    DQ warning for Crazy Linoone. 18 hours.
  5. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Round Six Crazy Linoone (xO) Riolu Riley (F) <Steadfast> Health: 41% Energy: 68% Status: Head feels like it’s going to explode. +4 Attack, -1 Sp. Def. Commands: Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Endure Bobino (xO) Bronzor Psytallica (N/A) <Heatproof> Health: 81% Energy: 62% Status: Aching after the...
  6. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Round Five Crazy Linoone (xO) Riolu Riley (F) <Steadfast> Health: 60% Energy: 85% Status: Hurting. A lot. +4 Attack, -1 Sp. Def. Commands: Dig/Sleep Talk ~ Earthquake/Sleep Talk ~ Earthquake/Sleep Talk Bobino (xO) Bronzor Psytallica (N/A) <Heatproof> Health: 100% Energy: 79% Status: Still...
  7. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    After a spectacular double knockout with dozens of pretty streamers of light, both battlers withdrew their Pokemon and had a brief conversation about the three previous rounds. Crazy Linoone said something about Destiny Bond, and at that Kwak’waka’s Pokeball gave an agitated shake. Muttering...
  8. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Round Three Crazy Linoone (OO) Natu Kwak’waka (F) <Synchronize> Health: 66% Energy: 68% Status: Rather amused by Majin’s antics. Cursed. Commands: Psychic/Chill/Sleep Talk ~ Psychic/Chill/Sleep Talk ~ Psychic/Chill/Sleep Talk Bobino (OO) Gastly Majin (M) <Levitate> Health: 29% Energy: 74%...
  9. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    DQ warning for Bobino. You have approximately 27 hours to post your commands.
  10. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Round Two Crazy Linoone (OO) Natu Kwak’waka (F) <Synchronize> Health: 90% Energy: 82% Status: In a deep sleep. Asleep (moderate). Cursed. Commands: Sleep Talk/Attract ~ Sleep Talk/Attract/Flash ~ Sleep Talk/Attract/Flash Bobino (OO) Gastly Majin (M) <Levitate> Health: 41% Energy: 86% Status...
  11. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Alright, because Blazhy is a lazy bastard she has only edited the stats. Both of you may issue your commands again.
  12. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    FFFFFFFFFFFFFF @$&@*%^ ...This warrants a re-ref. Sorry, guys. Erm... Yeah, it should be done within the next three days... Unless you guys are impatient, in which case I can just edit the end stats to reflect the stuff that happened.
  13. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Surprisingly, the Kitchen of Madness was rather deserted – it was dinnertime, and one would expect chefs and servants of all shapes and sizes running around preparing and serving succulent dishes. Instead, the area was completely deserted save for a small Rattata peeking around the counter...
  14. blazheirio889

    Crazy Linoone vs. Bobino

    Extreme Ferret-Thing's (Crazy Linoone's) active squad: Croconaw [Crunch] (M) <Torrent> Linoone [Zigzag] (F) <Pickup> Riolu [Riley] (M) <Steadfast> Porygon [Death Cannon] (N/A) <Download> @Upgrade Rotom [Spazz] (N/A) <Levitate> Rasqueon [Ragnarök] (M) <Anger Point> Gible [Heinkel] (F) <Sand Veil>...
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