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Search results

  1. Nope

    hey, anyone remember me?

    oh! i think i can recall you, dragon! hi hi nice to be welcomed back :D
  2. Nope

    hey, anyone remember me?

    thank you! i hope so too. i might try to post a bit in the roleplaying and arts forums like i did before. hope to befriend and get to know people again!
  3. Nope

    hey, anyone remember me?

    oh wow thats quite a coincidence then! maybe you're a little psychic, hehe! pleased to meet you tho, qvalador!
  4. Nope

    hey, anyone remember me?

    thanks!!! im glad you remember me...! now i just feel bad for not remembering you two D: maybe flora but.. did you change your names while i was gone or something? o: anyways, hi!!
  5. Nope

    hey, anyone remember me?

    Hi guys and gals and others! I'm Baku, for those who don't know me. (wow i come off as kind of pretentious there dont i ok let me try again) hi im baku! i used to frequent this forum a few years back (2007-09??) and ive sometimes checked up on stuff but never really gotten active again, which...
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