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Search results

  1. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Thanks! You really think two weeks worth (thirteen days' worth, really) will fit in ten minutes?
  2. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Is there a video of the finale?
  3. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon They somehow managed to keep their Master Ball and use it on Zapdos. They've also beat all the Leaders.
  4. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon I'm pretty sure they wasted all their money at the Celadon Department Store, so let's see how the Safari Zone turns out for them. Hopefully, they'll do it on anarchy.
  5. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon The Rattata's actual name is JLVWNNOOOO, so people just called it Jay Leno. Like ABBBBK( and Abby. Edit: Why do they call Flareon the False Prophet?
  6. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Yeah, they were trying to deposit Eevee. Right now, they're stuck in Celadon. I'm pretty sure they're gonna catch some more stuff once they get to the Safari Zone.
  7. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon How long will this be up? Until they beat the Champion? What are they even using?
  8. I liek Squirtles

    R/B/Y Twitch Plays Pokémon

    Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon It's hilarious. They won't get halfway to Celadon, with half the people on there trolling.
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