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Search results

  1. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Giovanni remarks that even though he has turned a new leaf in search of the power of world-dominating friendship, he doubts his inner darkness had been purged entirely. He will not assist. However, Red seems willing to tag along as a distraction. Giovanni has his doubts that capturing Alexander...
  2. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mhynt cosigns Dave's efforts, and then refocuses her efforts on one last expedition into Twilight Quarry, though she suspects there may be a need for time before they do that, and they have more info from everything else. Meanwhile, Dayle takes Nova's words seriously, and after apparently...
  3. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mhynt offers a wry smile to Whetmore and says, "Oh, you mean the same police force we had to save after one of those new forces easily made a mockery of your jailhouse?" She simply leaves after that and, if asked by others, promotes Greasewood, saying "Whetmore seems to think the local forces...
  4. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Gerome approaches Dayle upon his return and asks what the hell he's doing. Dayle is thankful for the Tyranitar's help and sticks a Dayle for Mayor sticker on Gerome's chest. Gerome is unable to remove it due to how precisely it was placed on his armored, hulking body, and eventually forgets...
  5. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mewtwo seems puzzled by this and says no, he hasn't, and he's been quite meticulous with tracking his inventory. As far as Koa can tell, Mewtwo is telling the truth, and Red does not contradict him: he did not give Pokeballs in this manner to a non-Wayfarer Grovyle.
  6. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    He seems unsure on how to answer. It could be similar, but he suspects that while the results are the same, the mechanisms behind it are different. But for the human offworlders... that seems likely. But even those who had very little human contact, such as the very Charizard they'd taken, seems...
  7. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    The Wayfarers are unceremoniously returned to Frontier Town under the cover of darkness by Giovanni and Red. Giovanni spoke at length with Dave during the flight over about friendship, all the while with an evil smile on his face. He spoke of the science behind bonds and feelings and how they...
  8. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Gerome seems to be wrapping up a few things at the bar before leaving for Novelux, but has some time to give a few tips from what he learned about Owen and those wraiths. They seem to behave in a way that reacts to things, but they're still physical beings. Feint them into going one way and use...
  9. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    With the birds taken care of, Mhynt makes a token effort that Gerome and his assistants help greet Moltres as part of their crew, so to speak, at least for the time being. As part of her promise to Moltres, she also gets to work rallying a team to investigate Twilight Quarry once again. She...
  10. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    As the Wayfarers return from Twilight Quarry, they take the night to recover, for the most part. Mhynt especially retires to her home, waters her cactus, and goes to bed and sleeps like a log. However, despite everything, she doesn't scream at night, and only stirs slightly in her sleep, and...
  11. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    The guards that had been left behind by Alexander are Shadowed deeply, but they appear to be, for the most part, stable enough to be put under some security watch without worry of them attacking. They are moody and afflicted by darkness the same way as other victims had been. They are also prone...
  12. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    After returning from the Oasis, Mhynt takes extra time to make sure the Relic is secured. Fighting Cipher on one front while they catch them off guard on another would do no good. Then, she plans to take on Cipher once she's confident in that security. Mhynt quietly asks Gerome what his plans...
  13. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mewtwo considers Nova's proposal and eventually answers that he doesn't have that technology on him just yet, but if he could find some sample of it, he may be able to make something work... Mewtwo suspects they know just where they can get such a sample. He wishes Nova luck with a sinister chuckle.
  14. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    The Shadowed guards appear to be back to normal... but others who are their peers remark that something does seem off about them compared to before. So far, there didn't seem to be a lot of news about the Wandering Light just yet. Maybe the boardgoers weren't going to places that the Light had...
  15. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mewtwo remarks that from what he heard, there are some good aura readers with the Rangers if he were to ask them. They would be a good resource. Mewtwo also smiles evilly and tells Koa that he would be happy to show him how to combat Shadows with the power of friendship.
  16. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Koa finds that the guards who had been Shadowed were largely irritable and arguing with each other in distorted, clearly Shadowed voices. However, perhaps to their fortune, it had faded a lot since the escape. They were calm, but not completely healed. Something was amiss. They would say that...
  17. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mewtwo says that depending on how far gone a Pokemon may be to this 'Shadow' state, a combination of battle and bonds may cure them, or at least make them lucid enough to no longer be hostile. Mewtwo is confident that the power of friendship can combat the corrosive power of Shadows, even in...
  18. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Gerome makes good with his offer to Sonora, and has a position open for her as a bouncer at the Wanderin' Zera. He seems to have a transparent ulterior motive of asking her about the trafficked Pokemon, for one reason or another. -- Mhynt tries to research further into saints, legends, and...
  19. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    Mhynt makes regular contact and checkins with Bellatrix to compare notes on what seems to be amiss with the mayor, general popular opinion, and actual implementation of the law. In the meantime, Mhynt tries to find subtle ways to scout out the Gala. If questioned, she simply says that she is...
  20. Namohysip

    Offscreen Activities

    There does not seem to be a Guildmaster of any kind present for the bulletin board. The closest they have is the board itself. As for rumors, mostly fragile offhand theories are present, such as perhaps it's due to the magic of a Teleporter, a Dungeon, or both. Some think it might be the return...
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