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Search results

  1. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    She scoffed. “Yeah. For everyone’s sake, I really hope so too,” she said. The lack of pity in his tone was appreciated, and she indicated as such by sighing and shaking her head again. “Shit happens.” She picked up her songbook again and flipped it open to another blank page. She began to...
  2. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    She narrowed her eyes at him. Why did he sound like that was shocking to him? He was the one fucking doing what he was doing, anticipating that others were going to shun him, so why did he sound taken aback that someone agreed? Probably because it was asinine. Why the hell would anyone...
  3. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Odette laughed humorlessly. "That sounds like code for 'Dave cursed you out,' huh?" Yeah, that felt par for the course. She wanted to curse Andre out herself, and she agreed with him. Fuck. At his question, she quirked a brow suspiciously. "Why? Will that put me on your hit list?" Sarcasm...
  4. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Odette studied Andre for a long while. At some point while he was talking she began to rub slow, hard circles into her temple, as if what he was saying was giving her a headache. Before the silence between them could grow too awkward, she scoffed. "Anyone's fucking capable of taking a life if...
  5. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Her gaze on him was unwavering. She stood sentry in the grass, listening to him ramble through his case. She thought back to the first time they'd spoken; how he'd introduced her to the word 'slacktivism' as he talked about what little charity work he'd done. At the time, she'd pegged him as a...
  6. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "You have to?" she shot back. "You're the only one capable?" She didn't know why she sounded so mad. Most of what he was saying was right. Make people like that disappear into a ditch or shallow grave so they can't hurt anyone anymore. From a black and white standpoint, that was ideal. At...
  7. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    First it was nine. Then it was 11. More than her. Hate crimes, grooming, assault, abuse, extortion, rape. Deserved. He hired a hit on one of them. The one he seemed to be closest to, so maybe that was to better cover tracks? Why did it matter? He hired a fucking hitman to kill someone...
  8. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Her eyes bore into his, willing some sort of answer that would stop her from beating his head in. She almost couldn’t hear his response over the blood pulsing against her ears, or the ragged breaths tearing their way out of her lungs. However, when his answer registered with her, the rage was...
  9. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    She’d wanted Andre to say exactly what he meant; make it clear that he was on the same wavelength as her. Assholes; meaning abusers, murderers, rapists like him. But the runaround answer she’d got would have to do. Someone who ‘committed actual abuse’ couldn’t be anything less than what she was...
  10. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    The longer Andre spoke, Odette could practically feel the concern etching its way onto her face. Multiple questions and comments bubbled up to the tip of her tongue, ranging from, “Andre, I think you’re having a psychotic break” to, “Where the hell are you going with this?” But, she couldn’t...
  11. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Odette knit her brows, her lips curling into a pensive frown. Ridley would make it sound worse? What the fuck had he seen? She did vividly remember that first conversation they had. How much he’d beamed about her vague retellings of what she’d gotten up to back in her home world. He just seemed...
  12. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    She nodded, feeling a grin poking at the corners of her lips. “I agree,” she said. “If he’s as good a mayor as he was a boss, then this little town’s in great hands.” Though, she had a sneaking feeling that wasn’t what he was here to talk about, and her suspicions were confirmed without her...
  13. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    The sound of a throat clearing yanked her out of her page, and she flicked her eyes up to meet Andre’s. The sight of him prompted her to straighten her posture (she hadn’t realized she was slumping, good gods), and she slowly flipped her book shut. “Oh, hey,” she greeted, giving him a quick...
  14. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard
    Threadmarks: [Ch07] Murder is a Spectrum (Andre & Odette)

    Recovering from the bullshit that was that stupid Comb took a few days. Perhaps longer. Even sitting on her favorite bench in the courtyard, staring blankly at her songbook, she still didn’t feel great. That lingering knot in her chest had been momentarily numbed during the celebration of her...
  15. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    That obnoxious fucking thing in her chest spasmed when he brought her hand to where (she assumed) his lips were. Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, hoe-lee fuck-- Why on Giratina's distorted world was she feeling so flustered now? Why the fuck did she feel dizzy? It wasn't like...
  16. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    She'd only meant it as a joke. If anything, maybe calling him "Mr. Stone" had taken it too far. Nonetheless. she was left chuckling into the back of her hand like some secondary school-aged shmuck. She wasn't normally this giggly, but she just felt light for some reason. However, when he...
  17. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Some warmth came back to Steven's new face, and that was all she needed to know at least some of what she said had worked. That was good enough for her. Normally long silences sent her into an internal frenzy, typically fueled by a fear of awkwardness. But this silence swelled with a sense of...
  18. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Again, she found herself giving Steven her undivided attention. She felt like she'd said too much already, so it only felt fair. It definitely helped that she just enjoyed listening to him speak. Though the nature of this particular conversation had taken more of a somber turn. "Oh," she said...
  19. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Right. She guessed she should have figured this wasn’t the Steven from her world. Nonetheless, it gave her moderate hope for how meeting him would go. If it was anything like it was here, with a different version of him, maybe she’d have a veteran ally to lean on soon back home. “No I...
  20. Sinderella

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Another…? Her eyes went wide with understanding, her chin raising with the force of the revelation, and maybe her own density. She’d only meant to vaguely harp on the similarities, not actually be right. “Is…is your last name Stone by any chance?” she asked with a tilt of her head. “Like...
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