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Search results

  1. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace also blinked a few times in shock, trying to figure out exactly what had just happened. So many things had happened in an instant. "Wh— Mhynt, you evolved!" she gasped, pointing at the new Sceptile. "And-And-And Owen, you're her  shadow now? How does that feel? Are you both okay?!"
  2. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    From finally defeating Alexander to rushing to Owen's side-- Grace was worn out, and remnants of Alexander's attacks continued to burn away at her body. Despite the pain, all she could feel was relief. "I don't think I can help restrain, but, I'm right here, Owen!" Grace said, moving to the...
  3. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace smiled and patted Owen gently on his head. It might not have felt like much with her light and little paws, but it was contact and comfort that she wanted to provide. "No, I'm not busy," she said softly. "I can stay for a little while still, would you like to play a game, or just relax ...
  4. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Another? "Don't worry," Grace said firmly. "We're going to stop him, I promise. I... I'll tell Mhynt and the others of this, just in case, and that way he can't throw them off." Slowly she reached out with her paw, wanting to comfort Owen but cautious about setting him off. "And... I'll do my...
  5. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    She frowned and inched ever closer to Owen. Grace was almost by his side, and she was watching the Charizard for any signs of discomfort, any signals that the Togetic should back off. "This isn't about having more Wayfarers or anything," Grace told him with a shake of her head. "This might be...
  6. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Her expression scrunched up with concern. "Um... we all came here with--" she paused. Did Owen know about Betel? "We're all linked to someone else," she continued. "That's how we're all here. Maybe we can... find someone else strong enough to remake you? I don't... I'm not really familiar...
  7. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Oh. Owen saw the Togetic freeze in place as her mind processed that information she'd been so desperate to recieve. Her experience with stopping bad guys and villains was... admittedly limited, and her opinions were skewed. To her, she wasn't all that willing to trust the word of known villains...
  8. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Now did she press, or back off? Grace didn't really enjoy hurting people, but... Forlas was in danger. "Are you sure?" she asked, her wings twitching a little. "Mhynt thought you might be able to help, and we're really desperate to stop Alexander. Even if all you know is why he likes soup or...
  9. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    With a hum and a thoughtful tap of her chin, Grace eyed Owen's comics. "Hmm... but surely nobody can be fully invincible, right? Has there ever been a villain that claimed he was in any of those comics? There's always a weakness! Isn't that, like, a rule or something?"
  10. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Just whatever you're willing to share about him," Grace told him gently. "I don't know many details, but I believe Mhynt when she says he's a very awful person back in your world. We might not be able to stop him there, but here... we can at least try and keep this world safe from him. It'll be...
  11. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace tried moving one step closer to him. She sucked in a calming breath during her careful approach. It was like trying to interact with a feral, sometimes, and she didn't want to make Owen feel cornered or threatened by someone as small as her. "Because... I know you like to think and plan...
  12. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Her wings fluttered in alarm and her tapping foot made her wobble off balance for a moment. "Oh, goodness gosh, no!" she cried quickly, the nerves clear in her voice as she righted herself. "I'm not letting him see you-- ever! I--" Grace caught herself and she cleared her throat. "No, Owen. I...
  13. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace blinked. "Huh? Die?" she parroted, sounding confused as she flew inside the room. "I'd hope my body would be a lot more different to you if someone had died!" She slowly landed on the floor, choosing to approach Owen the rest of the way with slow and deliberate steps. Grace was still wary...
  14. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair
    Threadmarks: [Ch07] ~ Chasing Shadows (Grace and Owen)

    She was familiar enough with Giovanni's lair at this point. Togetic Grace was a frequent visitor to the lab, always offering to help out with something in return for allowing her to drop by whenever she was able. The reason for her frequent visits was simple: she was keeping her self-imposed...
  15. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    She nodded. "Yeah, I can do that. I think... she'll be really happy to hear from you," Grace replied. "I'll come as often as I can, Owen. Don't give up, alright?" Without waiting for an answer, her wings carried her to the exit where she nodded at Red. "I hope you and Giovanni don't mind...
  16. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace straightened her stance a little as a bright grin crossed her expression. She squealed lightly and clapped her paws together. "I'd love to come back and play more! Maybe I can bring a better deck of cards, or--" She paused for a moment, and the togetic's grin settled into a soft smile...
  17. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    If he was holding that message close to him... did that mean Owen had a tiny bit of hope left? Was it something Grace could help him grasp? "I don't know Alexander very well..." she admitted, looking uncomfortable. "Maybe we can cure him, too, but with what Mhynt has said and what I've heard...
  18. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Grace rubbed her now free arm, landing on the floor to give her wings a break as she did. "Who said anything about wasting my time?" she asked, frowning. "There has to be a way to help you. I mean... what if there's someone else out there like you? I wouldn't want to abandon them just because...
  19. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    And with that brought a new wave of anxiety. Did she do something wrong? What if she did something worse, or undid any progress they might have done with Owen? She inhaled, still unable to pull away. "I don't want to kill you," she said softly. "I don't want to show you too much Radiance...
  20. Magyk

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Huh? Why?" she asked, her attention snapping back up to his face. "But wouldn't that..." Grace trailed off, frowning at Owen. "Wouldn't that kill you...?"
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