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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "Perhaps. Maybe one day I can ask how successors are chosen..." Koa mused out loud. Luz was trying to convince Sierra to take up the mantle, wasn't she? What made a pokemon worthy to carry on that duty... "But as Laura said feel free to let us know if you find anything interesting. If we find...
  2. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "We did reach the heart," Koa nodded. "It was..." Hm. Well, in any other situation he would have been enraptured. He wished that he hadn't been too sick to his stomach then. And hadn't trying to fend off a pack of Cipher goons at the time. The memory was mostly uncomfortable, tainted by the...
  3. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "The Timeless Oasis was... weird," Koa admitted. "Time there behaved strange, and it was like the dungeon really was testing us. Pretty strange compared to what I'm used to. But now that its all over, I'd still want to visit another Divine Dungeon if I could... Although its still so strange to...
  4. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Saint of Victory... Forlas name for Victini, he realized, from what he'd read. He felt a little bad in hindsight about being so wary with Ralsen, he hoped the Grovyle wouldn't be hurt or offended. Maybe he was being overly worried. "Or have you heard about any divine dungeons?" he asked on a...
  5. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    He supposed Luz could take care of herself, so talking about why she was here wasn't that serious... Koa nodded in reply to Ralsen's first question. There was no point hiding that much. Either the paper or local rumors would inevitably confirm it, and Cipher and Alex both knew by now. "It's...
  6. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Excitement bubbled through Koa as Ralsen spoke of the abbey. Even considering how things had gone in the Timeless Oasis, the idea of exploring another mystery dungeon was certainly enthralling. Not to mention the abbey itself. He'd heard they even had their own library there... "I wouldn't...
  7. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    It was good to see Ralsen again. After their last encounter he'd hoped he might run into him again at some point. "And did you manage to run into any new information about Saints?" he asked curiously, careful not to sound too overly eager. He wondered if Ralsen had managed to run into Lux at...
  8. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    More training here meant more strength. And more strength meant the ability to stand up against whatever they would face here, and the ability to protect. To help. And if Odette had usful knowledge as a champion, he was more than ready to learn from her. "Sick, sounds good." He grinned, then...
  9. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa's head felt like it was buzzing, and his pelt itched, but he ignored it. He couldn't help but wonder if his world had them. Odette's world sounded different, but then there seemed to be common concepts between worlds. Places, people, pokemon. Her world had had a Lana, and clearly shared...
  10. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa listened to her intensely, absorbing every word. Sure, it was meaningless here probably. And maybe he'd forget it, but right now that didn't matter, he had a chance to learn about legendaries from a whole other world, legends that didn't even exist in his own as far as he was aware. He fully...
  11. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa couldn't help his curiosity piquing a little at her reaction when he mentioned Anubis. It was hard to read what she was thinking. Interest? Wariness? He almost wanted to ask, but resisted the urge. Better not to get into it, or bring any personal questions into the conversation. At her...
  12. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa found himself reflexively sizing up her team, wondering what it would have been like to battle her, even if she was out of his league. Gothitelle, Sylveon, Chandelure, Frosslass, Mimikyu, and a Primarina. Odette definitely seemed to enjoy ghosts and fairies. Specialist meant vulnerabilities...
  13. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa's eyes widened with excitement as she spoke, and he had to restrain himself from interrupting her to ask all about her trip on the mountain. Was her Coronet the same size? That line of thought immediately brought up the sour memory of how his Coronet was cursed, and he briefly wondered if...
  14. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "Just a trainer," Koa said, after a moment of consideration, shrugging. It was more of a reflexive answer than a real one. But then here, worlds away, surely there was no harm in being more forthcoming... And Odette had already shared some of her own experience, so it felt rude not to at least...
  15. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Unconsciously, Koa shivered as he listened. Every world. Every region. Rocket, Flare, Galactic. Enigma. And it sounded like whatever was going on in her world also involved legendaries. Things never changed. And it sounded like what she had fought was worse. Scarier. Still, Odette had tried to...
  16. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Finally. Someone who took him seriously. At least she was willing to give him a chance, and respect him, unlike Bellatrix had. "I can handle that. One of the most important things a trainer can do is learn something new. So I'm ready for whatever you want to throw at me." Besides, he was used...
  17. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa listened intently as Odette spoke. Inwardly he found himself.... Curious, yet uneasy. It sounded like whatever Odette had gotten herself into back home was serious. Cults and legendaries and some guy who had a crush on her. Did he have the mentality? Of course he could do it, he was more...
  18. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    He was glad somebody got it, but his frustration still lingered. Without meaning to, he let out an aggravated sigh. The fact that the group felt so discordant and at each others' throats was bad. Bellatrix might have kept her calm at the meeting but he still couldn't trust her. At least a few of...
  19. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Koa automaticaly bristled, stiffening unconsciously as she began about the wagon incident, ready to snap out a retort. The plan was fine I'm sorry Laura and Steven didn't have magic psychic powers to account for a super powerful charmeleon from another world turning up in a shadowed frenzy. You...
  20. Tetra

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    "Oh uh... you're welcome. It just made sense I guess." Everything here was so different from back home. More complicated. At first he'd thought the shadows would be their biggest issue but it was sounding like this Covenant might be a problem too. "Although it kinda felt like some of our group...
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