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  1. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Internet is back! That was quick!
  2. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Internet on the verge of death. Hopefully will be fixed soon; meanwhile, I don't know when I can actually come on, seeing that it sometimes spontaneously comes on and then dies again....
  3. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Mid-terms and college apps means that I will be logging on with decreasing frequency until December 15th. Afterwards, depending on how much I've procrastinated, I may or may not come back on more frequently until Jan. 1. After Jan. 1, everything will go back to normal.
  4. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    And Linoone is baaaack~ I'm still pretty busy (summer homework is not fun), but at least I have stable internet now!
  5. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Annnnd so I finally have internet. 'Cept it dies like 90% of the time and I don't have computer access most of the time. So yeah; I'll probably be able to get on once a week, but please don't DQ me if I don't show up for two. I'll be back when August starts though!
  6. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Okay, I definitely am not going to be here at all tomorrow, and most probably not the day after tomorrow either.
  7. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    I should probably post here now (instead of poofing like last time and getting DQ'd) that I'll be really inactive from today to the sometime in the beginning of August. I'll probably be on once a week, but I have no idea what the internet's going to be like in July, so no promises.
  8. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Annnnd Linoone is officially back! Whoooo!
  9. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Sorry everyone, I'm still busy. I'll be back in about a week and a half (the 20th), hopefully.
  10. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Er, I have been banned from the computer this week (currently sneaking on since my mom's not looking), so don't expect any activity from me until about May. Unless, of course, the ban's lifted, which then I'll post here again. So yeah. Anyone who I've been reffing, go get an e-ref (sorry, Pathos!)
  11. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Eyeball dying due to (most probably) some autoimmune disorder or something ugly like that. Evidence seems to point in that direction, but... Also, there's something growing in my jaw. I'm hoping that it's just wisdom teeth and not some tumor or something. On infinite hold until I can see out...
  12. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Going to be (even more) inactive (than usual) from today (19th) to the 22nd, plus or minus one or two days.
  13. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Gonna be planting trees in China and literally be computer-less and internet-less for two weeks starting on August 5th. I probably won't be able to come back on for a few more days after that because school starts on the 23th, so, um, maybe I'll be back sometime after the 23th.
  14. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    38 degrees C fever does not a referee make. Especially if it's been going on for a week and AP tests are coming up. I'll probably be around to post commands, but meanwhile, please get an e-ref if I'm reffing you....! Apologies once again.
  15. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    The family computer crashed, and I'm currently sneaking on using my dad's computer. This means that I will be coming on very sporadically and might take forever to reff and respond to things, so get an e-ref, Blazhy and Typh, if you guys get tired of waiting.
  16. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Will be away until the 18th: Blazhy and Mike, get an e-ref if you want. I'll try to put up another reffing tonight, but I won't be on at all next week, so an e-ref is your best option then.
  17. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    Finals are coming up in December, so I probably won't be on as often then. Also, I probably won't be on as often for the rest of this week either, since my parents are complaining about how I spend too much time in front of the computer.
  18. Crazy Linoone

    The Absence Sheet

    I just got banned from the computer. Reffing and responding might take a few days longer than usual.
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