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Search results

  1. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "No, not now," Mhynt muttered to Owen. She glanced at the others. "Well, anyway," she said, "I'm... going to take some time to unwind. Catch up with Owen. See if there's anything we can do immediately. Find some therapy. I'll be seeing you." She nodded, formal, and also looked for the proper...
  2. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Giovanni listened with what respect was due. His eyes closed, looking thoughtful, or perhaps only putting up a show about it. But finally, with a small exhale as the lights became brighter and brighter, he said, "Perhaps I will. One day." He glanced at Red and nodded. A little bit of luck...
  3. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Giovanni's smile faltered for a moment, though it didn't seem to be out of guilt. Scorn, surprise? Without psychic empathy, it was hard to get a read on it... The smile returned, though this time it was almost respectful. Just a hint. "The answer won't satisfy you. And I'm sure the answer is...
  4. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    The Nidoking eyed Silver with some curiosity at first, lights flaking off of his body little by little. "It's something to consider," he agreed with a thoughtful hum. "He's already defied me once or twice... In that sense, I can say I'm proud of him." "Even with his imposing presence," Mhynt...
  5. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Hmph. Well." Giovanni stepped back. "I suppose that will be all for me. Feel free to use these facilities as you like. I suppose now it will be Red's abode." He turned around. "As for me... I suppose I will no longer be directly interfering with things in this realm any longer. You have what...
  6. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Oh, yes, do you mean Purple?" Giovanni said with an amused smile. "He did feel like a real prankster when he chose that form when working with the Rangers. I suppose now that will be a more permanent identity... I don't think having a Mew working for the Rangers will be the kind of attention...
  7. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "I don't think... Mewtwo evolve into that," Owen said when Mhynt summoned her blade. "I think he wasn't ever a Mewtwo," Mhynt said, arms crossed. "He had us intimidated by his presence all this time... but now that I think about it, his Psychic abilities were very basic. I'm sure even I could...
  8. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Giovanni let out his usual, reserved laugh, more like he was playing along rather than truly mirthful. "I suppose the most I'd be allowed is contact through visions, dreams, or some other nonphysical connection. My primary mission here is complete; my contract, you could say, is up. And I shall...
  9. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Giovanni eyed Silver. At first, there was a lack of recognition in his eyes, but then he seemed focused on the particular way Silver's hair had manifested. There was a glint of remembrance. "I suppose I've turned a new leaf," Giovanni explained. "And while I am... watched very closely due to my...
  10. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Ironically, 'being a Charizard' or some part of that line is one of the more consistent aspects of him," Mhynt said, arms crossed. "Let's just say that back home, in the past, Owen had to find some loopholes to not pass on, and that included reincarnation... with varying results." Owen...
  11. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "I, uh... it doesn't feel bad? Being an apple was a lot worse. This isn't so bad." Mhynt sighed. "I'll have to figure out how to... summon you properly," she said. "But this isn't how I..." Owen stared at Mhynt from below, arms crossed. Then, glancing at Nova, he said, "I think a lot of...
  12. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "What?" Mhynt turned around, finally realizing the full extent of her change. She looked... horrified at first, afraid to be near anyone--but then she saw her shadow reaching toward her. She recognized the claws. "Owen?!" Owen pointed at Mhynt's hand. Mhynt tried to reach for Owen's, but...
  13. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    "Hug you? I'd crush you!" Owen said. On reflex he'd tried to get out from under Nova, but eventually seemed to resign himself to his fate--mostly because he could already feel his spirit drifting away. He'd die without this. And Mhynt, sensing that time was short, vanished. In an instant, she...
  14. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    That seemed to click for Mhynt. She nodded at Nova. "...You're right. But I also think... I can do that, too. for the same reasons... and also, we're from the same world. I... may need your mentorship, Nova, after this. Because perhaps... if..." Owen strained, but seemed to be listening...
  15. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Owen closed his eyes sadly. "...Would I deserve that?" he said. "Of course you would," Mhynt said. "This wasn't your fault. And... we learned what you did, Owen. You fed false information to Alexander--his misaimed attacks completely neutralized any casualties we could've had." "I still killed...
  16. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair
    Threadmarks: Ch07: Epilogue ~ Farewell

    "Owen!" A portal had appeared from the depths of the Voidlands, a final blessing from Powehi to ensure a Wayfarer could get a proper goodbye. The darkened Charizard seemed to be in some kind of strain, pressed against the wall while billowing Shadows seeped from every ridge of his scales. It...
  17. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair
    Threadmarks: [Ch07] - A Call from the Dark

    The quiet of Giovanni's lair was a small comfort. It eased Owen's senses. At least, that was Red's observation of him. In this feral-minded body, Red had trouble processing familiar, higher thoughts of a past life. A small part of him was sad, but the rest of him didn't totally understand why...
  18. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    He stiffened again, curling up more. His eyes were entirely focused on Grace. There was a faint glow about them... or maybe that was a trick of the eye with how dark the rest of him was from Shadows. But then, he bumped the top of his head on Grace's side. "Okay," he said quietly. "Thank...
  19. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    There was a sense that Grace was being watched. Must have been Red again, knowing this was a very risky maneuver. Owen, too, had tensed, though he didn't lash out or give any true warning signs otherwise. He opened and closed his mouth, unable to find a reply despite wanting to say something...
  20. Namohysip

    Mewtwo's Lair

    That earned a faint smile, but Shadows blocked any sense of sustained hope that Owen could feel. He looked away, despondent. "Maybe," was all he replied with. As far as Grace could tell, Owen knew very little else. Only that Alexander was seemingly invincible, and healed all damage taken. In...
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