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Search results

  1. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "...That's a good idea," she said to Nova. "Alright." Nodding at Nova, Dave, and Grace, the Grovyle spun on her heel and marched back down the tunnel--and then, at some point, shifted into climbing out of the pit. Disorienting, but possible, and with Grace's help and a bit of Teleporting...
  2. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Mhynt nodded. "This," she said, kicking up some of the dirt, "is familiar. The rest isn't. The rest... must be how this world's Voidlands is supposed to be. Before Alexander's destruction infected it." She looked at the wasteland and realized it had patches here and there along the way. Like...
  3. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "From what I understand about this world's Dark Matter, he'll only turn on us if we overstay our welcome," Mhynt said. "He wants to keep a balance of positive and negative energy. Right now, there's an unstable flux. We're part of that, but we're also trying to solve it." Mhynt marched onward...
  4. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Mhynt blinked. "...Yes. Magic. To... a world that I thought was similar to the one you... Never mind." She sighed. "What's important is this is where Void Shadows usually dwell natively. And... supposedly, where Powehi also dwells and reigns."
  5. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "I'm still trying to figure out how gravity went sideways once we fell down far enough," Mhynt muttered. "What is this, the Reverse Realm? Hmm... no, I don't think so." Mhynt kicked the sand. "...No, it isn't. At least, not if it's anything like the one back home. If it exists at all." She...
  6. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Mhynt climbed, and they slowly and carefully descended the pit. The ground was loose; Nova had to use his claws to slide down, though it seemed like it'd be easy enough to climb his way back to the top with a few good kicks. Or, of course, a Teleport. But then, the ground gave way--far more...
  7. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "...If you're careful, you can try," Mhynt said. "Perhaps I can ride on your back and Teleport us out if things get... strange. Or otherwise dangerous."
  8. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Mhynt nearly glared at Grace, but had enough sense to take her advice and watch the Void Shadows cautiously. She stepped aside when they came closer, and indeed they didn't approach her. Dave could smell the odd, bitter ichor of the Void Shadows, as well as a certain, abnormal dryness coming...
  9. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Let's finish this quickly, then," Mhynt said, touching Nova's flank. They vanished in a bzip of light, and then the Nova Meteor fell from the sky, smashing the weakened meteor into five big chunks. Mhynt landed almost gracefully nearby, save for a small stumble that she was certain nobody saw...
  10. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The rock was a lot less destructive and much cooler now. But with that came a certain brittleness, like it had been waiting to crumble. It took some work. The first volley wasn't enough. However, Dave had clearly done enough to do damage--a few more times and he'd achieve it. "Hmm... That...
  11. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Hm. That could help," Mhynt said, tapping her chin. "I was going to drop Nova on it from high up. That could be safer. Or maybe we'd need both, depending on how sturdy this rock is... Go give it a try, Dave."
  12. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Maybe. I could try Teleporting it away, but... it's a bit large for that. Maybe if it was broken up into fragments. But... I don't think anyone we brought has that kind of strength..." She eyed the meteor, then Nova. "Unless... Nova. How resistant to falling from great heights are you?"
  13. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "Well, the Void Shadow population seems a lot smaller now," Mhynt said. "If any get too close, scare them off with a good hit or two... I don't think they'll alert Alexander anymore. and even if they do, he wouldn't want to bother with here anymore. I know his habits well enough. He has a new...
  14. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry
    Threadmarks: [Ch07] ~ Void Adjacent (Scouting)

    Mhynt didn't like how familiar she was becoming, again, with the strange gloom of Twilight Quarry. But what seemed worse about this place was that it was now... empty. Utterly and completely empty. All that lingered was Alexander's influence over the place, the darkness and Voidlands that had...
  15. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Giovanni chuckled in his usual, sinister way. "Of course. I'll be happy to share my findings with someone. You appear to be... knowledgeable in the field of science." His eyes glowed, and suddenly Dave was floating, while everyone else had been withdrawn and carried by Red. They flew from the...
  16. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    "I believe you've already seen some proof of how easy it is to escape if you needed to," Giovanni said coolly, holding Owen's ball a little higher. "Of course, you could also fly with my partner and I. I can go over my findings of the power of friendship with you."
  17. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Mhynt had noticed Nova's signal, but then saw Grace's proposal. She would... be a much better fit than she ever would. Wincing, Mhynt stayed quiet. Giovanni didn't seem to notice Mhynt's gestures and stared instead at Grace. "If you're certain you can help him... of course. You may stay for the...
  18. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The Dungeon's distortion faded behind most of the Wayfarers; Alexander, if he didn't sense them yet, could no longer feel them from here. Meanwhile, an invisible force picked up Owen's Poke Ball from before. But just then, it popped open, the Charizard roaring again for another fight despite...
  19. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The edge of the Dungeon was narrowly in sight. If they could keep this speed up for another few seconds... The ball wobbled. Curiously, Ein's didn't seem to do the same; was he deliberately staying put for now? Or perhaps he recognized the futility of it all... Something Owen did not. He...
  20. Namohysip

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The swarm was beginning to stir again. Even after Astrid took them down on her way out, there were still more along with Silver who seemed to be too exhausted to escape. If he remained there... he could become the next wraith. Mhynt looked briefly torn between getting the ball and rescuing...
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