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Search results

  1. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    In response to Gladion's offer, Sage taps their forelegs on the ground repeatedly, golden eyes flashing. "Terminal One... I should face them, again. I'll go!" "I can do it. After this fight, I'll see you too. We'll all see each other."
  2. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    Ever since receiving the blessing of Radiance from the Wandering Light, Sage the formerly-Shadowed ARK chimera has been meditating on keeping their Shadow and Radiant halves in balance. They've heard about everyone's plan to combat the remainder of Cipher's forces and want to help their friends...
  3. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    An unseasonal thunderstorm has been brewing over Silver Ravine for some days now. At times, the night sky can seem almost pitch-black, drained of all starlight and moonlight, until the inky curtain is broken by jagged spires of lightning. The surrounding wilderness has been frequented by...
  4. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    Lovrina has been complaining a lot lately about being bored, especially after hearing that Ein of all people was first of all not dead, and also going to tenuously ally with the Wayfarers against Alexander (for his own interests, of course). "C'monnn, it's not like I care what happens to those...
  5. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    "Of course our tech's insulated against that stuff, how the heck were we supposed to work with it otherwise, lol?" Apparently some materials manufactured on Earth were implemented to contain the raw substances used in the Shadow Machine, but it's unlikely they could be synthesized here...
  6. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    The autumn weather grows cooler and windier, though still relatively mild given the desert climate. There's a rare sprinkling of rain. The days grow shorter. Culturally, the month of Rot carries associations with decay as a natural part of life. Poison-types are thought to see good luck. With...
  7. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    "Didn't I, like, already tell you guys that I didn't make the ARK Unit, I just made it #Slap." While Lovrina's reasonably familiar with genetic engineering, a bit of prompting will reveal that it's not her field of expertise (difficult as it is for her to admit to not being an expert at...
  8. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    Jade spends a lot of time practicing with her new bike after that time she rode it out to confront the Escarpa scouts at the gorge. She spends her extra change on spare parts from Alejandro's shop to improve it over time, since it's missing a lot of features that a modern bike back home...
  9. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    After hearing about the battle against the samurai trio from Leaf, Jade works up the nerve to go visit them by the riverbank one morning to see what she can learn from them. She's not looking to learn any sort of decisive finishing blow--she wants more options to disarm and disable opponents...
  10. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    Jade had skimmed a lot while reading those newspapers, looking for information on the Escarpa. There were some parts of the pages that she just plain didn't bother looking at at all. Mostly anything in the headers. While wiping down tables at the restaurant she had gotten a part-time gig at...
  11. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    After bidding good-bye to Laura and Kimiko in the town square, Jade wandered vaguely in the direction of the house that she'd been told of, almost walked past it in her exhaustion. Once inside, she stopped just long enough to sign her name on the check-in sheet in the lobby before she was led...
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