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Search results

  1. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “Well, I think we can at least all agree on that,” the Oshawott nodded, “Even if there is some kind of higher power behind everything, at the end of the day, they can’t or won’t intervene to right all the wrongs in the world. We have to rely on each other for that.” Powehi certainly wasn’t...
  2. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie listened along to Dave’s, well… Rant seemed a bit much? Lecture, maybe? Either way, it made for much more pleasant conversation then their previous topics, so the Oshawott was enjoying it! All this talk about the universe having sapience and people inventing explanations for things they...
  3. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    What kind of monster could eat the sun? It was… It looked like… Suddenly, Archie remembered something, something about Mhynt at the Spirit Nexus. A looming shape behind her, something that made him feel a sense of dread he couldn’t quite place. Then he realized, the Monster That Ate The Sun...
  4. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie gave Koa a weak smile. He didn’t seem too willing to pry further. Dave, on the other hand, was interested in the nitty-gritty. “A monster ate the sun,” he said, “Ate all the light in the universe, really. And… I don’t know of anyone else who escaped. I don’t think anyone else did it the...
  5. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “Right, yeah!” Archie nodded, enthusiastically, to Koa’s questioning. “See, I lived in a place called Castelia City. It and its northern neighbor, Nimbasa, were the two biggest cities in the Unova region. Between them was a great desert, and it was home to many wild Pokemon.” The Oshawott made...
  6. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “I was an Oshawott in my previous world, too,” Archie said. “A member of the Adventurers Guild, based out of the Treasure Town branch.” He hesitated a bit. He’d told people bits and pieces about his life before his last world, but he’d never actually verbally acknowledged his own humanity. But...
  7. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    It was a good sign that they were able to bring Wes back from the brink. Still, the fact that it required infighting to do so was worrying. Hopefully they could find an easier method. Koa’s words had definitely helped him when he was feeling overwhelmed, but it hadn’t been enough for Wes. Maybe...
  8. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    And there it was, one of the other parts of this conversation Archie wasn’t particularly looking forward to. The fight with Wes. Meowth was out of the bag now, though. Might as well get it over with. “Seth and Wes are the same person, from alternate universes,” Archie explained. It felt wrong...
  9. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    For a second, it almost seemed like Dave was going to throw his coffee mug at them. Or else lunge across the table to try and rip their throats out with his teeth. Archie positioned himself closer to Koa, watching the Poochyena carefully. He held his breath, waiting for the moment… Only for it...
  10. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie looked down at his cup, clasped between his two paws, nodding along with Koa’s halting explanation. He’d felt so desperate for answers. The Oshawott had had no experience with Shadow prior to coming to Forlas, so he’d, stupidly, grasped on to the first potential source of information for...
  11. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “He… He hit us with something,” Archie finally admitted, “It looked like black lightning, but the feeling of it was bitter cold, like ice growing through my veins.” He shook his head, and sighed. Might as well start from the beginning, “I had suggested Silver Ravine as a meeting point because I...
  12. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “The more you let yourself stew in it, the worse it gets,” Archie explained, “If you let it overwhelm you…” He frowned, briefly pulling his coat tighter around his body. To be honest, he still felt emotionally exhausted from everything. The fight with Seth, the follow up fight with Wes, the...
  13. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie leaned back in his chair, expression pulled back into a teeth showing grimace. Dave wasn't taking the revelation particularly well. The Oshawott could hear the gravelly vocal distortion thar he was beginning to recognize as a telltale sign of building shadow corruption in the Poochyena's...
  14. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie’s preferred waking up drink was a Chesto berry blend. Though its dry taste left something to be desired, its easy availability on the road back home meant the Oshawott had long since gotten used to it, and so, even in Forlas where other options were readily available, he often went for...
  15. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie threw up his paws. There were too many egos at work here and everyone was talking over everyone else. He tried to play along and be helpful and all it got him was thrown under the bus so he could look like the idiot instead of one of the apparent ~master strategists~ in the room. This was...
  16. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “For someone who claims to want to save the world you have some really shitty opinions about the people who live in it,” Archie snapped at the Treecko. Sure, Archie wasn’t exactly free of negative opinions of the locals himself, but he wasn’t the one claiming he was going to save the world, just...
  17. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    “This isn’t about if she or the mayor is more useful to us than the other, this is about stopping a power mad Empoleon from murdering a bunch of people,” Archie said, flatly, to Mhynt. Even if it wasn’t the most useful course of action, even if it got them in trouble with the law, it was the...
  18. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    The Oshawott scooped some egg onto a bit of toast and shoved the resulting mash into his maw, chewing thoughtfully while Bellatrix gave her explanation. Certainly, convincingly faking Sonora and her gang’s deaths would be the best possible outcome, and Archie was glad Bellatrix was at least...
  19. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Archie snorted, derisively, “Great pay, if you can handle the blood on your paws.” Naturally, the Oshawott couldn’t know what was in the Zorua’s heart. Maybe she had some crazy plan in mind. Her species was known for its power over illusion, maybe she planned to use it in some crazy scheme to...
  20. Weazel

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    By the time Archie made it back to the Haus, Bellatrix had already gotten herself set up with breakfast in the cafeteria. There, she had already been joined by the Treecko – Mhynt – as well as the strange masked chimera Archie still hadn’t gotten the name of – who seemed to be on their way out –...
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