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  1. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Crap, Clark's gonna kill meeeee. Spark~Spark~Spark
  2. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Thank you sooooooooo much, Blazhy!!! Okay, let's try something else now: Firstly, Sweet Kiss him. If it works, Super Fang him then Quick Attack. If not, try again, and then Super Fang. If it doesn't work even on the second action, just try again. Sweet Kiss~Super Fang/Sweet Kiss~Quick...
  3. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Okay I'm lazy again. Just go beat it. Spark~Spark~Spark
  4. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Lazy again so: Discharge~Spark~Discharge
  5. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Okay I definitely gotta start checking this thing on vacation. D: Spark~Sweet Kiss~Spark
  6. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Again lazy so: Spark~Spark~chill
  7. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    ...Sabby's a girl. XP Come on out, Hibana! Lazy so: Spark~Swift~Discharge
  8. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Lazy so: Defense Curl~Rollout~Rollout
  9. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Whoa, crud, I totally missed that. Whoops. Anyway: Okay, since your energy total's kinda high, why don't you try a little Fury Swipes on that little Totodile. Then Chill, and finish it off with another Defense Curl: Fury Swipes~Chill~Defense Curl
  10. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    It's totally fine. Don't worry about it. Er...okay, let's go on the defensive this turn: Defense Curl~Sand Attack~Chill
  11. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Okay, girl, you can do this! Defense Curl on your first action, then try a Poison Sting, then Fury Swipes. Defense Curl~Poison Sting~Fury Swipes
  12. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    I should've elaborated on "if possible" there. Come on, Sabby, hang in there... Okay, use Double Team (2 clones) to start off, then Protect. Chill to end it, since you'll probably be exhausted. Double Team (2 Clones)~ Protect~ Chill
  13. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    *bursts into laughter* You just put the image of Mr. clark (my World Civ teacher) in a dress into my head. XP
  14. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Aaah, I'm going to post now. Start off with Slash, Protect again, then use Sandstorm if possible; if not, use another Slash. Slash~Protect~Sandstorm/Slash
  15. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Okay, Sabure, looks like we have a bit of trouble on our hands, don't we? Let's try not to get ourselves overwhelmed too quickly! Start off with a Double Team to make three clones. Then use Protect. After that, finish it off with a Slash. Double Team~Protect~Slash
  16. Flora

    Crazy Linoone vs Flora and Ashes

    Come on, Sabure, do your best!
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