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Search results

  1. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Bellatrix nodded, she had to admit, there was an intense sense of relief at Koa's words. "I won't," she replied. Not that it had been the intent the first time. Gingerly, as a show of both apology and forgiveness, Bellatrix shook Koa's paw. "The more we uncover about this world, the more...
  2. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "If I had known that you had a heavy dislike and distrust of illusions, I would not have used one, and yes, it wasn't my intent to threaten or attack you, in the slightest," Bellatrix replied with a nod. "So I apologise for both instances." She leaned back and let out an exhale. Just a...
  3. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Bellatrix's confusion didn't fade, in fact, it only became more pronounced at Koa's next words. She tried to keep her bewildered tone out of her voice but some couldn't help but slip in. "But I was retaliating back, I wasn't preparing..." She began but her words trailed off while her thoughts...
  4. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Bellatrix now looked genuinely confused. "Treating you like... I always try to remain calm and professional when speaking with anyone and look down upon reckless behaviour regardless of who was responsible," she began. "Yes, trying to piece together the answer to that question remained at the...
  5. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    That managed to take Bellatrix aback with a slight flinch and a blink. What was it now? Did he finish every social interaction with attitude and the threat of potential attack? Quite frankly, she didn't wish for a repeat; if she did, she would have lambasted Koa for his recklessness from the...
  6. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "Good, good. That will be all for now then," Bellatrix replied, Koa's tone not lost on her. "I will continue to look into Radiance for the time being to ensure we can attain it as quickly as possible. Hopefully, with the new communications, this word will spread quickly amongst the rest of the...
  7. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "Naturally." There was an air of pensiveness and curiosity surrounding the zoroark though her features betrayed nothing. Despite her youthful appearance, it was obvious that Bellatrix had mastered the art of maintaining a mask of neutrality long ago. No thoughts passed through unless she was...
  8. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "I have my reasons to believe he was searching for where the source of the Shadow influx from Blaguarro originated from," Bellatrix replied. Her tapping ceased with a slight shrug. "When I first encountered him, he seemed to have just been loitering but he had been present in the town for some...
  9. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    A refusal. Bellatrix expected as much so she let it pass, unfazed. She didn't need approval when there were far more pertinent things on the line. All she needed to do was to ensure that she would not fail again. "Is such a thing wise with the added context of his actions, especially seeing how...
  10. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    There was a pause as Bellatrix tried to find her next words, however she nodded. She didn't care if the electrike hated her for it, transparency was the entire point of this exercise and he didn't seem to like her much to begin with anyway. "I feel partially responsible for Alexander's growing...
  11. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Such a predictable boy. Bellatrix bore no reaction to the comments surrounding the encounter with Seth, clearly she was looped in on that front. Perhaps she would talk to Archie herself later but she didn't see the need to comment on it now. "Thanks to Sierra, yes," she answered, moving onto...
  12. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "If Betel had a reaction to the aftermath, then it must have been him," Bellatrix muttered continuing to rhythmically tap the table. "Simple exposure is not enough, something needs to be unlocked within by someone who has proficiencies with said power and I believe the exact same applies to...
  13. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "And how did you escape?" Bellatrix then asked, drumming a claw on the table. "Did he do or say anything else?" She was considering her words carefully but it was clear that she was missing a piece or two to whatever theory she was putting together in her head. She paused briefly as she thought...
  14. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    A simple nod. "You can begin by telling me the specifics of what happened beyond what was said over the communications, then I will ask questions if I require any further clarification. I will also answer any question you have for me if I end up theorising more on the specifics." Bellatrix's...
  15. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall
    Threadmarks: Ch04: Baneful Masks [Koa & Bellatrix]

    'Very well. We can speak in-person when you are ready...' It had been about a day since Bellatrix sent that message over the Wayfarer Communications. Admittedly, she wasn't surprised in the slightest to hear that it was Koa who had that potential encounter that granted Shadow to the others...
  16. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    A nod. "Wise," she Bellatrix replied. "Knowing how to pick your battles is an invaluable skill to have. Unfortunate for the driver but I don't have any clue how that may have been prevented." She thought for a moment over another plate of hashbrowns. "Though that confirms my suspicions that any...
  17. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "Odd creatures that were sighted around Blaguarro. They've placed the locals on edge due to some strange happenings and sightings," Bellatrix explained. "Doesn't surprise me that the attack happened quite a ways into the journey if they're linked." She looked back at Andre's leg with an...
  18. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Given the electrike, I was expecting it to turn into a hasty rescue mission. Bellatrix hummed. "I've been wondering if the thing was sent by Terminal Two themselves to dispose of the wagon," she said. "The description aligns too well with the 'witching beasts' of Blaguarro. How far were you when...
  19. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    A small sigh. "Yes, I can understand that," she replied. She thought of talking about how bad an idea it was from the outset but given that the deerling was an adult who likely knew how to judge things in hindsight, she let it be for now. Bellatrix drummed her paws on the table. "It's noble but...
  20. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Bellatrix nodded. "You were incredibly lucky," she said between bites of her meal. "And yes, being a bit more sturdy does make the whole event less dire." Her tail flicked. "So why did you go in the first place?" she asked. "Keeping others in line or a genuine desire to see the plan through?"
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