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Search results

  1. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "A picture? Yeah. Yeah, why not!" Archie said, with a grin. "We'll make sure they get your good side!"
  2. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Leaf's right!" Archie nodded, "If you have to pick a day, can't go wrong with today. Think of it like a new beginning!" A day worth remembering. For as long as they would remember it.
  3. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    He couldn’t help but snicker at Nova’s attempted words of wisdom, but he appreciated the sentiment behind them all the same. He gave Leaf a smile and a nod, as well. “Thanks, both of you. You can rely on me to try, I promise,” Archie said, before looking over at Nova again. He elbowed the...
  4. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    They… Honestly they took it a lot better than he was expecting. Dave had seemed ready for violence at points, and Archie had assumed that was probably about as good a reaction he could hope for. Some of the tension eased from the Oshawott’s shoulders, and he allowed himself to look up again...
  5. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    “It’s…” He paused, frowned, then forced himself to continue, “It’s my fault it happened.” Slowly, the Oshawott recounted the events of that day to Nova and Leaf. Going down to the jail with Koa, trying to get through to the Drapion. The sudden appearance of Alex and Xander, the Zweilous Mhynt...
  6. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” he snickered. If this Fiends job turned out well, he could more than afford to splurge on a good meal. Nova deserved to enjoy this time while he could. Who knew how long their time in Forlas would last, after all. Even staying until their job was done wasn’t guaranteed...
  7. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "What, you didn't know your tail could wag?" Archie chuckled. "Yeah, they do that." He allowed himself to approach the Chimera the rest of the way, leaning back on his heels to look up at Nova. "I'll hold you to that dinner, though! Where're you feeling? Zera? Sunstone? Somewhere else?"
  8. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Archie couldn't remember what his human face had looked like. But he knew 'his' face, the Oshawott one that looked back at him in the mirror. He could picture himself and have a complete image. Nova had been trapped in that mask for so long, he'd forgotten his face entirely. Factor in just how...
  9. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Well. After the amount of angst that mask had caused Nova, its removal was suitably dramatic. Archie actually found himself taking a few steps back in surprise as it literally began falling to pieces. The face that was revealed, well, it certainly fit the rest of the body. So this was what these...
  10. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Jeez. Where Nova’s inner demons really this bad? Well, then again, war machine forced to commit atrocities against his will. So, yes, they probably were. Still, the Oshawott couldn’t mask the flash of concern that passed across his face. “Of course I mean it,” Archie said. Maybe what the...
  11. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The Oshawott folded his arms. For a while he’d thought Nova was maybe doing better now that he was working on a plan to get his mask off, but it sounded like he was still having the same kinds of self-doubt issues as the chimera had been having for a while now. “Well, I thought you were pretty...
  12. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Really? The mask had reacted? How so? The Oshawott absentmindedly reached out with both paws to touch it, wanting to see if it shifted in his grasp, but he quickly remembered himself, and drew his paws back before he could try and stretch up to Nova’s height. “Is your, uh, friendship training...
  13. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The Oshawott hesitated a moment. What a morbid way to open up a conversation! “Well, I… Try not to get involved with the bounty hunters that kill their targets,” he said, “But, I guess I’m not surprised? That it has one?” Wait, just how long had Nova been carrying around Fein’s corpse? That...
  14. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    As Archie set out from the Haus that morning, he was feeling… Well, cautiously optimistic? The breakfast chat with Dave and Koa had gone probably about as well as he’d imagined it could. So he felt like maybe he would be able to talk to the others about what had happened at Silver Ravine and...
  15. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    “Ah, that was, a joke, and some lighthearted advice,” Archie frowned, resting his muzzle against the back of one of his paws. He hadn’t expected the confused look he’d gotten from Kimiko. “Sorry, was my tone off?” He was never particularly good at humor, to be fair. Or, uh, being leaderly...
  16. Weazel

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    And so, paws stuffed in his coat pockets, hat tipped low to block the harsh sunlight from his eyes, Archie followed after Kimiko and the others. To be honest, when they’d arrived inside the Wandering Zera, the Oshawott had been expecting the town they’d ended up in to be much shabbier. In fact...
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