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Search results

  1. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Upon hearing of the various factors limiting the number of people able to vote in the polls, Ridley pitches the idea to the Wayfarers of setting up a fund designed to help people out with paying the poll tax and obtaining transport to the poll station. They can't do much about most of the...
  2. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    After he returns from the Terminal Two mission, Ridley still feels uncomfortable in his disguise. He'd assumed it was his shadow corruption which caused him to feel so uncomfortable in his own body, but even after that problem was exorcised by radiance, the dysphoria still remained. It seems...
  3. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Following the shadow skorupi/drapion attack, Ridley spends time researching anything he can learn about Radiance.
  4. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Following the wagon incident, Ridley starts asking around to find out as much as he can about Witching Beasts/shadow pokemon. He also checks to see whether Frontier Town's library has anything on the topic.
  5. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Following the scene at Grand Station Construction Site, Ridley speaks with Odette and she catches him up with what she knows about Terminal Two and the experiments.
  6. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Since agreeing to help Sonora, Ridley's been keeping an ear out for what people in Frontier Town think about the mayor and his son. What does he learn?
  7. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    Following his conversation with Odette, Ridley finds lodging at the Traveller's Haus. He also locates a source offering very temporary low-paying jobs (ie, payment for running errands); while he hasn't managed to secure anything solid yet (he's still looking for a source of stable income which...
  8. Hap

    Offscreen Activities

    During the time between the posts in Luminous Square and the posts in Scrivener's Library, Ridley spent his time reading about the setting (and taking notes), with a major focus on the mystery dungeons themselves. In order to do this he remained awake through a large portion of the night with...
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