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Search results

  1. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “As good a plan as any,” Wes said. He cast one more look around the place; no signs of anything being disturbed here, other than Bellatrix’s training. He supposed if some sort of network really was on its way to them soon, it would be easier—and safer—to keep an eye on this place with...
  2. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “He was in Blaguarro,” Wes murmured, furrowing his brow. Well, that sure lined up with all of their other suspicions, didn’t it. And had she said “zweilous”? That was one of the species they’d been warned to look out for during their last Blaguarro visit. Yeah, this guy was shady as all hell. If...
  3. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes flinched at Bellatrix’s sudden—panic. Had he ever seen her like this before? And she wasn’t in the dream? “Wait—you know this guy?” Or—guys? Powehi made it seem like it was two people from the way he spoke, but maybe he’d misunderstood the name. “Someone definitely mentioned an Alexander…”...
  4. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes’s frown deepened. Bellatrix had been quick to dismiss his Seth theory, but Wes had definitely felt something in that moment, something that had pushed him over the edge into a Shadowed frenzy. But it seemed Bellatrix was thinking of something…different? More permanent, even…? “Alex and...
  5. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes frowned at this. “So looks like we gotta find whoever can bestow it on us. I assume that’s the Wandering Light.” He considered her next words carefully, something ringing a bell in his memory. “Actually…I think Seth did do something like that. Transferred some of his Shadow to me. I’m not...
  6. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes blinked, then looked up. She was…remarkably unbothered by his confession, something he hadn’t been expecting in the least. Bellatrix had always seemed so…opinionated on things, particularly on people who couldn’t prove that they had a level head. He’d expected at least some heavy disdainful...
  7. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wandering Light…right, that was something or someone to do with Radiance, wasn’t it? He had to admit this update from Bellatrix was very welcome news. It meant someone else was worried about the Shadows, about Blaguarro, and wanted to do something about it. It meant the Wayfarers, for once...
  8. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Oh, gods, where did he even begin. He let out a bewildered laugh. “I…well. There’s a lot to fill you in on. But it sounds like you’ve got a lot to share with me too, because last I’d heard, the Escarpa weren’t exactly chomping at the bit to work with us.” Wes sat down, indicating to Bellatrix...
  9. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes blinked, then stared for a moment. Whoever this was, they…knew him? He wracked his brains, trying to place where he knew that calm, haughty voice… “Bellatrix?” he said slowly. “You…evolved?” He never had known what her former species would evolve into. Now he felt like the biggest blasted...
  10. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Idiot. Idiot. You’re an idiot. Did you forget what happened the last time you were here without proper backup? The last time you were here even with proper backup?! But even as he berated himself, Wes walked on, eyes narrowed as he scanned the sands and sagebrush for any sign of Seth—or...
  11. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes rolled his eyes at Seth, but still watched him disappear with anxiety churning in his stomach. Then, as soon as the Wolf disappeared, all of his exhaustion hit him at once and it took all of his concentration not to fall over. He nodded mutely at Archie’s suggestion and watched numbly as...
  12. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Unease prickled at the back of Wes’s neck. He didn’t like the idea of just leaving Seth to his own devices, not when it was clear that Cipher was closing in…but they didn’t have many options for now. He’s made it this far on his own. He should be able to hold out for a while longer until we...
  13. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes did a double take when Nova pulled out—a damn Pokeball, of all the things. Where in the hell did that come from? And wasn’t that, like…horrendously taboo in a world of Poké-people? Or something? It had to be, he was almost sure of it. Wes couldn’t imagine it was kosher in this world to walk...
  14. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes scoffed softly under his breath, but didn’t bother returning the glares he knew were burning in the back of his head. Steven and Koa already despised him; there was no point in trying to salvage things, but there wasn’t a need to make things worse, either. So damn quick to trust anybody...
  15. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Ha. If Wes had the energy, he might have scoffed at this response. There was a time and a place for owning up to who you were, and it sounded like Seth had only managed to make his life harder by choosing to be transparent. So what if choosing to hide meant he was taking the coward’s way out...
  16. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes should have figured. He really, really should have expected this answer. And yet, hearing those words from Seth hit like a set of powerful claws raking across his chest. “So…she found out who you were and bailed?” he murmured weakly. “Just like that?” He supposed his instincts to hide his...
  17. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes felt his lungs freeze over as Seth started on Koa. He didn’t dare glance at the kid to see what his face looked like. “He’s got more than enough reason to hate me,” he said quietly, keeping his head turned away from everyone but Seth. “Leave him alone.” He closed his eyes and sucked in...
  18. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Of course he was still going to refuse help. Wes closed his eyes for a moment, struggling to digest all of the…everything. He visibly flinched when Koa spoke up and mentioned “beating him.” The venom in the kid’s voice was impossible to miss, all right. I can’t blame him. Still, Koa made an...
  19. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Wes climbed out of the shallow grave as Seth began to speak, not too eager to stay standing next to a corpse. He sat a small distance away—far enough to give Seth space, but close enough to hear, and most importantly, far enough away from the rest of the group—and listened with slowly mounting...
  20. HelloYellow17

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “Don’t be cute with me,” Wes snapped. Gods, he was so exhausted and sore and felt like shit on about ten different levels. He really did not have it in him to deal with this bastard’s snark anymore. He deflated a little, trying and failing to hide the weariness that seemed to permeate all the...
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