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Search results

  1. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver kept staring at Kimiko, his head tilting ever so lightly and his ears flicking, fully assimilating her words. They were really comforting to hear, and he had the feeling that both needed to hear those same words. Besides, she was right. Their tale in Forlas was nothing more than a single...
  2. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver frowned, feeling his heart squeezing tighter. Thief. A word that still haunted him from time to time. But… he wasn’t that kind of person anymore. He knew that, his team knew that, the people he (somewhat) trusted knew that, and he wouldn’t let himself fall into that black hole anymore...
  3. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    While Silver was no psychic nor emotionally attuned person, he could tell by Kimiko’s words that he must have struck some kind of nerve. However, it was clear that whatever it was, Kimiko wished to steer the conversation elsewhere, and Silver obliged. He knew well the value and importance of...
  4. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    At the mention of ‘eight badges’, Silver’s eyes gleamed with intrigue and his tail feathers fanned excitedly, poking out of his poncho. He stared at Kimiko in awe, feeling the warm sensation of kinship as she shared her experiences as a Trainer. Even if Kimiko was being humble about her own...
  5. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “Yeah. That’s one of the things that didn’t change for me, either.” Silver stretched the muscles of his arms, shaking off some of the residual tiredness, before curling his body underneath his poncho, covering himself near completely. His grin brightened — wow, a Sneasel’s body was truly neat...
  6. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver shot a sideways glance at Kimiko, his head feather flicking as he processed her words, and resumed gazing at the vanishing sunset. He waved his paw in faux dismissal, trying to act aloof and to say ‘it was nothing’, but he couldn’t hold back the tiny smile on his face. It definitely felt...
  7. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver couldn’t help but laugh at hearing that. While he had only brief exchanges with Koamaru and he didn’t know much about… West or however he was called, he could somewhat guess why they had troubles seeing eye to eye. It sounded like a typical clash between strong personalities. But hey...
  8. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver quirked an eyebrow. “Informational tool sounds… very underwhelming. I don’t believe that Cloud summoned ‘em for that reason alone.” Wow, that conversation was getting more and more complex. Silver gazed at the sunset, noticing how the sun was slowly hiding behind the faraway mountains...
  9. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “Yeah, I believe there’s more than that, too,” remarked Silver, nodding in agreement. “As for what that might be… well… err…” He frowned and leaned back against a rocky wall, drumming his claw on his chin repeatedly. While he didn’t know whether he was accurate in his assumption or not, he...
  10. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Ah, yes, it was good to hear that he wasn’t the only person who had similar thoughts! Silver found himself agreeing with what Kimiko was saying, nodding a few times to let her know he was following her own point of view. That whole thing about ghosts got his attention and made him curious — was...
  11. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver’s smile swiftly turned upside-down and his claws dug into his arms. “…It could’ve gone better.” Understatement of the week. A soft growl reverberated in his throat, and his eyes narrowed into tiny slits. Nothing infuriated Silver more than failure, especially if it was because of...
  12. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Silver mentally winced when he saw the embarrassed expression on the Snivy. Perhaps it would have been better to be less direct… even if sneaking and waiting for her to realize he was there would have been worse. Who likes sneaky folks, after all? He stared at the outstretched vine for a...
  13. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Despite feeling physically drained after the encounter with those members of the Vanguard, Silver didn’t really feel like mulling things over while enclosed between the four walls of his room, and he surely wasn’t in the right mood to deal with countless ‘mons potentially asking him questions...
  14. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    With the exhaustion wracking his body, Silver didn’t even protest when Rodion held onto him to lead him back to the shore. He merely sighed, focusing on the pleasant sensation of the fresh water flowing through his fur and soothing his aching muscles. “I… I don’t even know how I did that,”...
  15. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Even as Rodion propelled forward like a Buizel-shaped torpedo and tore through the water at dangerously high speed, Silver didn’t yield. Digging his feet into the riverbed, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, keeping a defensive stance. And then, the Liquidation came. Silver was familiar...
  16. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Confident in his speed, Silver swiped at Rodion with his sharp claws… only for them to swish through empty air. The former human’s gaze darted to the Buizel, and his eyes widened in shock when they registered that wide smirk. ‘Crap! I’ve been had!’ And then, Rodion crashed into him. All Silver...
  17. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Yes! Silver grinned triumphantly when he managed to outmaneuver Rodion and disrupt his water-wielding technique. There was nothing better than relying on some strong offense to beat an opposing strong offense! However, there was one tiny, near irrelevant detail he hadn’t considered before going...
  18. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Hmm… Using Quick Attack as a scouting move had been a good approach, but that Buizel took the hit much better than he had anticipated. Silver grunted in annoyance: was his attack too weak, or maybe that was because of his lack of experience with his body, or both? But he had no time to ponder...
  19. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “Aw, how generous of you!” quipped Silver, striking a poised stance and readying his claws. “Don’t expect me to repay the favor, though.” Mental gears spun at top speed, and Silver recalled countless memories and sessions spent learning and training with Nyula. The way his friend always...
  20. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “So, you’re a sailor?” asked Silver, before humming in thought. “Well, that sounds like a cool profession. Getting to see new places and getting to stay close to the water? What’s not to like about a job like that?” Silver’s expression shifted once more. A wave of restlessness flooded through...
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