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Search results

  1. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Leona winced, her face turning downcast. Not having her partners would be tough for her – as would be the thought of them in Cipher hands. "Seems like you guys are still in the dark about some stuff," Seth grunted, quick to change the topic away from the idea of his own partners, who he knew...
  2. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Razael bowed his head to Isidora. "You all fought well. We can carry those of you who cannot travel. I still have stamina yet." "I'm good," volunteered Ollin, getting on all fours. "Just don't crowd up this cart any more than it already is," pouted Venus. Seth folded his arms and turned...
  3. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Leona took a paw and scraped it over her face in a motion eerily similar to Seth's own take on it when he struggled with Shadow. "We won, we won, it's okay," she muttered to herself. The day-wolf screwed her eyes shut, as if it would help not to look at her counterparts. "My name... is Leona...
  4. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    As the Shadow flood swept across the highway, the rangers pivoted to act in defense of the cart. Dakim blinked drowsily at the oncoming darkness, and his attention fell into the abyss. Venus reared up, as if poised to leap from it into the oily waves when the moment came... Shouts rang out –...
  5. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "There's his face," remarked Ollin, unperturbed. "You sunlight types take care of the dark." The Cyclizar lowered his head, opened his jaws, and loosed a gout of violet dragonfire towards Xander's body. "Intercept, guard Tinkaton!" called Cascada, swooping overheard and bound for Koa. Leona...
  6. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    When the tendrils drew back, Ein was no longer on the ground beside the cart where he'd been. There was a red stain on the ground – the sand too absorbant to let blood spread far from where it spilled – and a blue-furred piece of meat, the only extremity not taken by the Shadow's jaws. "O-oh,"...
  7. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Ein let out a howl reverberating with Shadow, quickly silenced by the suffocating grasp of the hydra tendril. "O-ho! So this is the strength of the one you spoke of," boomed Dakim, wrestling with his restraints. "Uncuff me, and Mighty Dakim will join the battle!" "I do so hope you all get...
  8. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Eh?" Seth looked askance for a second. "She's not a ranger, but she's not Cipher, and she keeps givin' us looks. And, uh. The Shadow voice?" He turned round to look at her. She looked back, with a strange expression on her muzzle. "Hmph. Maybe this ain't the best time for it," muttered Seth...
  9. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Ollin stopped still, and patted the ground with his feet. "Yeah," he announced. "Definitely a tremor. Could just be local wildren – onix and drilbur and the like are native to these parts." "You gonna take the risk of assuming that?" bit Seth. "Nah," said Ollin, evenly. "Could be your dude."...
  10. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    The ranger heading up the party was an olive-green reptile – a 'Cyclizar' – who alternated between scouting ahead on all fours, and returning to the cart to match the convoy's speed on his hind legs. He'd introduced himself as Ollin, and was apparently a veteran escort ranger. As far as outward...
  11. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway
    Threadmarks: [Ch05] ~ Escorting Enemies

    There had been some debate about whether to begin walking the Cipher admins to the Ranger Union HQ immediately, or putting them in the nearest ranger station until tommorrow, but in the end, Chief Ayda's call was to go as soon as an escort was ready. As she put it, the less time spent...
  12. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Nico laughed. "Plenty colder. You'll be comfortable enough, pal!" And with that, the seabird ranger pulled ahead, leading the rest of the way to Ranger Headquarters... <><><><><>
  13. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Nico gave Kimiko a little salute with his wing as he gained height in the air. "That's alright, bud. I totally get it – I guess it's kinda like when I came here from out east, and had no idea how anything worked, eheh." He seemed more relaxed now that he was in the air, at least!
  14. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Nico laughed. "That does kinda sound like her, actually. They do say curiosity kills cats, right? Imagine being so without fear that you do something like that just because you need to know what'll happen if you're the first..." He chuckled, stretched and warmed up his wings, and took flight...
  15. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Nico nodded awkwardly, and rotated his head to preen the feathers at the base of his neck. "Yeah, well, uh. She didn't make it. They say... They say she was the first to ever solve the dungeon's maze and reach its heart. And she walked right into it... Or lingered there too long, or tricked it...
  16. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Nico beamed, a little sheepishly, and took the canteen with a wingtip. Most birds in Forlas seemed more comfortable using their talons, but maybe haptic telekinesis was easier for a seabird with webbed feet? "Hey, thanks pal!" He took a modest drink from the container, and passed it back with...
  17. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    I believe you should all be fine, and unaccosted by wild 'mon from this point. I do not detect any other large populations moving nearby, or any strong individual auras in the vicinity. Nico landed nearby Leaf to rest his wings for a moment, and adjust and clean his flight goggles. "Well, the...
  18. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Oh—!! We're doing this?? Okay! Wilco, casting Tailwind!" Nico swooped down to the squad of wind-summoning offworlders and joined them with an enormous gust of his own. The combined moves struck the horde of bramblin, continuously speeding them along... What would have taken half an hour at...
  19. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    "Oh, blast it..." Nico muttered. "I could just fly right over, but I can't strand you guys! What to do..." There were plenty of ways the party could try to get past the bramblin. The question was, what kind of risk would they choose to take?
  20. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Dusty Highway

    Mystery dungeons do change unpredictably; it is in their nature to be mysterious. However, it is atypical for them to abruptly expand like this... ... Another just expanded southwest of your location, in the vicinity of the Wayfarer expedition en route to Obstine Abbey. I have not been alive...
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