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Search results

  1. N

    SQL Gone Mad?!?

    This would seem to be an extremely simple query... However, the results I'm getting disagree and its driving me mad trying to figure out! Let's see if you can deduce the problem... SELECT h.habitat_ID, h.habitat_name, m.monster_name, m.monster_habitat FROM pkmn_habitat h, pkmn_monster m...
  2. N

    Mistakes on Pokemon Sites.

    I'm quite capable of reading and interpreting the things that I read. The point is Prima used the moniker Forme in its guides while Nintendo did not. Perhaps, for once, a mistake was made on Nintendo's part and not Prima's. Prima's moniker is given more relevance with the official spelling of...
  3. N

    Mistakes on Pokemon Sites.

    As far as misreporting Sinnoh IDs over Serebii.net is concerned... - Girafarig's Sinnoh ID is actually 121, not 153. - Wooper has no Sinnoh ID given, when its actual ID is 117. - Quagsire has no Sinnoh ID given, when its actual ID is 118. That's all that I have noticed... And as far as the...
  4. N

    Please Rate Our PokéDex?

    Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex? It becomes relevant when I begin to tackle other projects. While the necessity of having accomplished this chore is, alone questionable, it becomes more obvious, later, that not having a PokéDex to base these other things off of would make them seem... Incomplete...
  5. N

    Please Rate Our PokéDex?

    Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex? Lol, you brought up necessity, not me. It was a personal challenge as well as an aspiration of mine. Not a creation of necessity. That said, the necessity of your post is tantamount to the necessity of the Dex I designed. Get it? That's true, I've not yet looked...
  6. N

    DIV Menu problem

    Can you provide an example of said problem occuring?
  7. N

    Please Rate Our PokéDex?

    Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex? V_v So, despite my best attempt to rid the thing of long lists you are saying that it still suffers from the same downfall as pretty much every other Dex out there?
  8. N

    Problem with <div>s

    Which style...? #affy does not have constant positioning throughout your various styles.
  9. N

    Please Rate Our PokéDex?

    Please Rate Our PokéDex? General scale... 10 - Best 1 - Worst http://pldh.net/dex/dpp/index It went live Wednesday and I'm not only looking for criticisms/opinions but also trying to get the word out... Thanks in advance!
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