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Search results

  1. P

    Your parents' opinion on Pokémon?

    Re: Your parents' opinion on Pokémon? Mum dislikes Pokemon, probably for the fact that I was 'staring at a tiny screen all the time in your room!' and because any time she actually concentrated on what I was doing it was pretty much all Pokemon related. But that's my mum, she hates me being on...
  2. P

    What do you think it would be like?

    I think about this and straight away consider the idea of a reversed Australian history. Say it had been Caucasians (probably English since that's the nationality we're we originally) instead of Australian Aborigines that originally lived down under... and the Aborigines were the ones to come...
  3. P


  4. P


    Hello! I'm a long-time Cave of Dragonflies lurker who spontaneously decided to join its forums. Fun facts include my age (21), my gender (female) and my location (Sydney, Australia). And of course my continuing obsession with Pokémon in general. So, nice to meet you; I'm off to explore!
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