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Search results

  1. K

    mewtwo you

    what is it exacually
  2. K

    The Challenge Board

    Challenge for Psymon 2 vs 2 double Style: Switch DQ: 2 weeks Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/pokémon Arena: Never Island Never island is an abandoned island inbetween sinnoh and Kanto. It is about a few miles long and wide. There are lots of trees, but not as many as...
  3. K

    Profile Archive

    KILLERMANS ASB PROFILE Totodile (M) ability : torrent body mod:none move mod:none Approval : here aerodactyl (m) ability : pressure body mod:none move mod: none Approval: here
  4. K

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office edited my link in.
  5. K

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office buying a totodile and a aerodactyl. Totodile (M) ability : torrent body mod:none move mod:none aerodactyl (m) ability : pressure body mod:none move mod:none http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=342670&postcount=2017
  6. K

    Bank of TCoD

    buy some pokemon 45-10-30=$5
  7. K

    Bank of TCoD

    i'd like to get an account.
  8. K

    mewtwo you

    hi, i have been introduced to this site by Psymon. i like pokemon. my faviouret pokemon is totodile, how about you? I'll just wait for replies.
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