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Search results

  1. Animaster

    Requests Closed The Request Shop of Animaster

    Since nobody's requesting anything, I may as well close this.
  2. Animaster

    Requests Closed The Request Shop of Animaster

    Sure, here are some of my personal favorites. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/7131/tsukumogamipenworkt.jpg This one was drawn first in a mechanical pencil and then I went over it in pen. http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1010/metaridley.jpg This one was done entirely in mechanical pencil...
  3. Animaster

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    I have my own art thread on a different site. Is it okay if I post a link to it or do I need to start a thread here?
  4. Animaster

    Hello Peoples.

    Hey there, Dr. Frank. Owls are neat, but I can't say I'm much of a rabbit person(though they are cute).
  5. Animaster

    Requests Closed The Request Shop of Animaster

    Since I'm not really in the mood to repost my art, which I may do eventually. While I'm good at drawing, but I tend to take my time with requests(partially due to laziness). I'll do all sorts of things, but don't expect anything too complicated(unless I'm in the mood).
  6. Animaster


    I'm a BitF fan. Wonderful comics, really. I'm even a member of the forums there(with an art thread no less).
  7. Animaster

    Hello Peoples.

    Hey there, everyone, the name's Animaster. As you can surmise from my avatar and sig, I'm a big Osaka fan(okay, I never finished watching the show, but still, I loved the character). I'm also something of an artist, not the best in the world, but still, I'm better than a lot of people I know...
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