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Search results

  1. Hadro

    Hehe, smilies speak louder than words ;D

    Hehe, smilies speak louder than words ;D
  2. Hadro

    Hadro vs. Phantom

  3. Hadro

    Hadro vs. Phantom

    It's an interesting tactic, but a painful one; we'll have to fix that. Wait till he possesses you then take a Rest to get rid of him before he starts wailing on you. (How does that even work when Abra spend 18 hours of the day sleeping anyway?) Anywho, once you're asleep there's not much else to...
  4. Hadro

    Hadro vs. Phantom

    Aw man, I meant to use Magic Coat, my brain got them mixed up >.< Ah well, I guess now I'll throw up a Safeguard to avoid that Hypnosis. (WHY CAN ABRA NOT LEARN HYPNOSIS I AM DISAPPOINT) Then I'll hit the little blob with a Thunder Wave to wipe that smirk right off his face. I'll finish up with...
  5. Hadro

    ASB Data Collection Thread

    3231 6 Hadro -- Active [Ninja] Torchic (M) Ability: Blaze EXP: 0 [Ray] Seviper (M) Ability: Shed Skin EXP: 0 [Twisted Spoon] Abra (M) Ability: Synchronize EXP: 0 [Flash] Shinx (M) Ability: Intimidate EXP: 0 -- Boxed None. -- Inventory None.
  6. Hadro

    Pokemon Name Game III

  7. Hadro

    Hai :3 Okie dokie :) Yeah, looks like fun, I'ma post it :D Thanks for the help ^_^

    Hai :3 Okie dokie :) Yeah, looks like fun, I'ma post it :D Thanks for the help ^_^
  8. Hadro

    The Challenge Board

    This is for Squornshellous Beta to ref. 1v1 Single Style: Set DQ: 7 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned moves: Anything goes baby! Arena: Some dive in an indeterminate location Just some indeterminate bar in the city, this place smells heavily of alcohol, BO and piss. (Don't even -try- the bathrooms.)...
  9. Hadro

    Hadro vs. Phantom

    Hmm, need to think of some interesting choices for my first battle :P Well I guess you should Teleport behind him when he uses Hypnosis so you can avoid his gaze. Then hit him with the biggest Shadow Ball you can conjure before he lands his Sucker Punch. Lastly, throw up a Mirror Coat to try and...
  10. Hadro

    The Birthday Center

    17th of June :3
  11. Hadro

    Hadro vs. Phantom

    Yeah, at the end of every round sounds good, and that's right too, it should transition to normal every round after a type. Gogo Twisted Spoon, make me proud :D
  12. Hadro

    The Challenge Board

    Many love Superbird <3
  13. Hadro

    The Challenge Board

    Woo, awesome :D so now do we just wait for a ref to take it?
  14. Hadro

    The Challenge Board

    WTS MY FIRST BATTLE K 3v3 Singles Style: Set DQ: Five Days Damage Cap: 35% Banned moves: OHKOs, Healing Arena: Pokémon Stadium (Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl) Anyone who played these games in their time will know this arena well; the arena appears to be just a basic stadium with two floating...
  15. Hadro

    Profile Archive

    Hadro's only friends Pokémon squad! Active Squad - [Ninja] Torchic (M) <Blaze> EXP: 0 Approval [Ray] Seviper (M) <Shed Skin> EXP: 0 Approval [Twisted Spoon] Abra (M) <Synchronize> EXP: 0 Approval [Flash] Shinx (M) <Intimidate> EXP: 0 Approval Stored Pokémon - None :( Item Inventory -...
  16. Hadro

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Buying my starting team: [Ninja] Torchic (M) [Ray] Seviper (M) [Twisted Spoon] Abra (M) <Synchronize> [Flash] Shinx (M) <Intimidate> Torchic is 10, since it's my starter http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=469668&postcount=334
  17. Hadro

    Bank of TCoD

    $45 - $39 = $6 http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=469669&postcount=282
  18. Hadro

    Bank of TCoD

    Just bumping this since it was on the previous page and might not have been seen.
  19. Hadro

    Thank you :3

    Thank you :3
  20. Hadro

    Hey :D

    Thank you :) Does this mean that I make a post in the bank, then the PRO with a link to the bank post, then go back and edit my original bank post to contain the new PRO link?
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