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Search results

  1. Gemoth_<3


  2. Gemoth_<3

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type Grass - Grovyle Bug - Joltik Poison - Ariados Fire - Ninetales Water - Mudkip (So I herd u liek dem) Ice - Glaceon Electric - Pikachu Normal - Eevee Flying - Pidgeotto Steel - Lucario Dragon - Dratini Fighting - Heracross Rock - Aron Ground - Sandslash Psychic...
  3. Gemoth_<3

    Misreadings and stuff

    I was reading a Vampire Knight comic to my friends and I stupidly read "aristocrat" (a type of vampire) as "aristocrap". >.<
  4. Gemoth_<3

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    What ever you say it is, this thing is not a coin.
  5. Gemoth_<3

    Oh here we go again (A.K.A Hi.)

    Thank you all for your warm welcomes. *accepts the many gifts the members have offered her and gives all of them choc-mint cookies*
  6. Gemoth_<3

    Kill, Screw, Marry

    Kill, Marry, Screw. Plusle, Minun, Victini.
  7. Gemoth_<3

    Oh here we go again (A.K.A Hi.)

    'Kay so hi I'm Gemoth, don't ask me where I got the name, I just did. I'm an emo-goth moth that spends most of her days on her laptop. So yeah. I'm also good at Photoshop. Yeah, so hey. Don't offer me tea or cod. And just for the lulz: ░░░░░░░░░░░███████░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░████░░░░░░░████░░░░░░░ ░░░░░██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██░░░░░ ░░░██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██░░░ ░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█░░ ░█░░████░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░█░ █░░█░░░██░░░░░░█░░░░███░░░░░█ █░█░░░░░░█░░░░░█░░░░░░░█░░░░█ █░█████████░░░░█████████░░░░█ █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █░░░████████████████████░░░░█ ░█░░░█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█████▓▓▓█░░░░█░ ░█░░░░█▓▓▓▓▓██░░░░██▓██░░░░█░ ░░█░░░░██▓▓█░░░░░░░▒██░░░░█░░ ░░░██░░░░██░░░░░░▒██░░░░██░░░ ░░░░░██░░░░███████░░░░██░░░░░ ░░░░░░░███░░░░░░░░░███░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░█████████░░░░░░░░░░
  8. Gemoth_<3

    -nyancat- -gtfo-

    -nyancat- -gtfo-
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