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Search results

  1. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    I read this and thought it said "jack off and drive one."
  2. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    I would love to one day just be driving on the highway on a golf cart with people staring at me going wtf?
  3. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    Well, technically, don't cars have a lot more speeds than bikes, depending on how hard you press the pedal?
  4. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    This was also one of the main reasons I wanted a motorcycle. So when there's traffic on the highway I could be like "HAH SUCKERS" and just drive past xD And to the one person who voted for motorcycle, could you please explain the process for getting a license for one? Is it the same as for a car?
  5. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    T_T Me too... I skipped a grade so all my friends already drive. Or they have their permit, at least.
  6. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    xD my school too. Sometimes they just leave them and walk off and some seniors try to drive them.
  7. [O]

    Motor Vehicles

    So, in about a year, I'll be getting my driving permit. Every single person I know drives a car, but I was more interested in motorcycles. Driving a car gives me this sense of OCD because the steering wheel isn't at the middle of the car, and I won't be needing the extra 3-4 seats in a car for a...
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