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  1. ?


    It's not that I wasn't willing, it's that I just wasn't expecting that I'd have to on this level. And yes, I know this now. End of discussion. Bye.
  2. ?


    Seriously, guys, if I knew this was going to rapidly devolve into this sort of discussion, I would have posted something in the Serious Business forum. Just let it go. I meant nothing by it.
  3. ?


    When I said this, I meant that it was expected by others for trans-gender individuals to choose between male or female. That being said, it isn't 100% necessary for them to do so. No one can force them to make that decision; they will make it only if they want to, and that's that.
  4. ?


    This is what I've been trying to get at. It's expected, but not necessary. And Cirrus, when the hell did I say that?
  5. ?


    Dear God what have I done? I said to appreciate what you were given, and what you've got. I could have gone on longer about how gender also corresponds to spirituality, but abridged it for various reasons. I obviously didn't mean to offend anybody, but once again I seem to have forgotten that...
  6. ?


    Biological gender and gender perception are, obviously, not one and the same. Femininity and masculinity do not coincide with what genitals one was born with, nor do the mannerisms one possesses that correspond to either sex. I am male and I identify as a male, despite my sexuality. We should...
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