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Search results

  1. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    well, if we wait a day, the alien will die barring heal or train, because the mafia doesn't really want aliens alive either. really, probably just roles with limited/no night action.
  2. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    I think it more likely that superbird was trained, because the others were paired. (yes, that includes me. oh well.)
  3. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    well, D1 derp and there were no deaths, so I'd say we wouldn't do too badly to just abstain and avoid killing people unnecessarily.
  4. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    the person who asked is almost definitely mafia, which means there are probably at least two mafs in one of the rooms.
  5. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    but a very good chance of being in a different room. this seems vaguely plausible, but we have no idea due to the sheer number of movers. healers aren't actually made for blocking mafia kills. they're for preventing the mafia from killing who they want to kill. which makes the tarot lady...
  6. 1

    Mental Institution Mafia

    1 Room 1: 2 Blazie 3 Skylark 4 Kammington 5 Worst Username Ever 6 +dragonair (from 3) 7 8 Room 2: 9 Nemec 10 demonickittens 11 ole_schooler 12 Blaziking 13 +sreservoir (from 3) 14 +RespectTheBlade 15 16 Room 3: 17 [O]...
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