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Search results

  1. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Well, dang. :C I was hoping this day phase would last a little longer than it did. It figures the healer was the person who wasn't going to post for the entire game, and thus not call me out... It looked like the mafia was going to lose anyway so I wanted to at least lure out and blow up the...
  2. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 4] Watchmen: The Mafia So were you getting lovers and fishing brothers mixed up? Or are you something else entirely?
  3. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 4] Watchmen: The Mafia Ummm... are you getting lovers and fishing brothers mixed up or something? There should be no fishing brothers in this game. Not according to the role list in the signup thread, anyway...
  4. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 4] Watchmen: The Mafia Yeah, seriously. :I Why'd you guys immediately jump on Orngsumb? Guess I'll come out and roleclaim healer, then... I was hoping I wouldn't have to but we can't be lynching our innocents.
  5. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 3] Watchmen: The Mafia Well, "I'm not mafia" wouldn't really be good enough for you guys, would it?... You could inspect me tonight if you don't lynch me and I'd turn up as innocent. But I don't really want to roleclaim like nobody else wants to roleclaim either. edit: derp I forgot I...
  6. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 3] Watchmen: The Mafia ah--! I thought I posted here again but I guess I must have gotten distracted and wandered off into the night before I finished it. I was going to say again we have no leads so maybe we should get to talking or something... isn't that how most leads start...
  7. Aisling

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 2] Watchmen: The Mafia Well, I would post more but I'm kind of not very good at mafia and there really are no leads at this point. I don't like throwing out stab-in-the-dark suggestions but I don't really like posting "Well looks like we have no leads" either. So this is me being...
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