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  1. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Colored implies something happened to make them that way, while people of color simply states they are. Sorry for my previous post.
  2. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Colo(u)red, while deprecated, is not a slur.
  3. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    No one ever said that white people are inherently racist, just that they don't have to deal with the problem of being discriminated against due to their race nearly as much as... any other race, essentially. Regardless, pejoratives should be avoided.
  4. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Oh, so pejorative terms are perfectly fine as long as the group targeted isn't being oppressed by the term! That makes perfect logical sense!
  5. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Incidentally, faggot is the British spelling of fagot; a bundle of something, typically sticks. Faggot as a pejorative term referring to a homosexual is a word of American origin first used in the early 20th century whose exact etymology is unknown.
  6. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Erm... might want to rethink your choice of words there.
  7. Aletheia

    Racism & Other Prejudices

    Probably that this is a Serious Business thread, and thus should probably be about a subject that can reasonably be debated. I'm pretty sure all of us here agree that racial prejudices are wrong. Unless, you know, there's some white supremacist members who'd like to share their views with us...
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