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Search results

  1. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Taking this and hoping for a ref.
  2. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Accepting the challenge below because it sounds like fun.
  3. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Dropping my battle with Wargle.
  4. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    I actually really wanted to ref that one, just as soon as one of the battles I'm currently reffing ends.
  5. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Mini-golf :D I'll take you on! (also my battle with Mendatt does indeed have a ref)
  6. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Well, uh, here's a triple rotation battle. And here's a regular triple battle.
  7. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Erm... in that case I accept this challenge! Again!
  8. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    What's this? Refs have are allowed to have 4 active battles? Looks like I can actually take this. Yay! Oh, and make it double because I've never fought in one of those before. Also can someone ref one of my battles because I only have one going on right now and I'm bored.
  9. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    If you post in the Absence Sheet, you will be given additional time to post your commands (or whatever else it is you're supposed to do). It was taken by Bgreymon. Also, taking Melodic Harmony vs. Omskivar Hi there!
  10. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take Darksong vs. Mad MOAI
  11. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    I accept. Also, do the workers deal all that damage in one action? Edit: Alright then. Sorry, Firefox. No Fire attacks for you. Edit #2: PMs it is then.
  12. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Reffing RespectTheBlade vs. Maniac Panic
  13. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Cypher vs. Mawile
  14. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

  15. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Challenge for Lord of the Fireflies. 3v3 single DQ: 1 week DC: 30% Banned Moves: Direct healing, OHKOs Arena: Pokémon Tower Considered by many to be of a sacred nature, this looming structure houses the bodies of many deceased Pokémon. Countless trainers come to pay their respects every day...
  16. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    Eh, why not. Format: 2v2 single Battle Style: Set DQ: standard week Dam. Cap: 35% Banned Moves: direct healing, OHKO's Arena: The Plateau A relatively tall rise, overlooking a medium-sized pit. Moves that require a lot of movement have a 50% chance to knock the user off. Moves that propel the...
  17. Aletheia

    The Challenge Board

    (posting my very first challenge. let's hope I do this right.) 3v3 single Style: Switch DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 35% Banned Moves: Rest Arena: A grassy plain A basic grassy field with no effects. Other: N/A
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