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  1. Alexi


    I meant, when did you say:
  2. Alexi


    o_o When'd you say that?
  3. Alexi


    I mean, in the topic.
  4. Alexi


    Where did Mormons come from?
  5. Alexi


    I used to go to this church that had a Harry Potter day once, and my parents got all up in arms about it. That was an awesome church. I missed it. ._.
  6. Alexi


    They were banned because they were a distraction. At least, in public schools, they were. Dunno about private church-run schools. >>
  7. Alexi


    Leave them to it.
  8. Alexi


    Yeah, but people will clutch to their religion with their life. They raise their children to follow their religion (yes, children often rebel and turn from their religion, but not in every culture). Religion is not going to go for a long time.
  9. Alexi


    How is that arrogant? I mean, I doubt every single person in the world will stop believing in their religion suddenly. That's the only reason? o_o
  10. Alexi


    This answers not my question. Well, I stand corrected. You'll be waiting a while.
  11. Alexi


    Why can't she just agree? o.O What are you tolerant of, anyway? Obviously not religion. Or children.
  12. Alexi


    Relevence? No one's not accepting that you don't believe in a religion, but everyone is disgusted by the way you talk about religious people. It'd be just the same if some Christain guy started talking about how horrible Atheists are. However, Christains (and many other religions) have one...
  13. Alexi


    Wear them. :) Wish the crusaders thought the same.
  14. Alexi


    Aren't you going to be a great parent...
  15. Alexi


    I know there's a guy in Japan who thinks he's Jesus. Because Jesus was Japanese. *nodnod*
  16. Alexi


    I never said my religion was super-awesome. I just said I like it. What's wrong with happy faces? :) Would you prefer a sad face? :( Or maybe an angry face. >:(
  17. Alexi


    Hm. I have one thing to say to that, Iibui : :)
  18. Alexi


    D: Magick (spelled with a k to differentiate it from stage magic) is utilizing the power within everyone to bring about change in your life, for the better. And it does work, but only if you know it does. unless people have an innate tendency to make them up oh wait we do Who's to say it...
  19. Alexi


    Do I look like a transvestite? [/Izzardquote] Okay, that was a really dumb thing to say, actually. Sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly. I've been reading these debate threads all morning, and part of me died a little from Tropiking's posts in the Homosexuality thread. Science just doesn't matter...
  20. Alexi


    I find it funny that you've only mentioned Christanity and the branches of that. XD I'm a Wiccan, and I believe in many gods. But more than that, I believe in a power that most people believe to be gods. It's this power that we have in us, and that's what makes people have psychic abilities...
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