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Search results

  1. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Meredith pushed on the 'bubble' separating her from her green-haired love. "Beryl!" She broke through, and as she did, her pokemon vanished behind her. With a twisting a turning motion, that made her sick to her stomach, she fell into Beryl's world. Opening her eyes, she saw...
  2. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Watching Beryl's past, trying not to feel like she was spying on him, Meredith had reached the same conclusion as Thorn. While their pasts had made them who they were, the end of the world had erased their pasts. Even restored, humanity and pokemon alike will never be the...
  3. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Reality changed again, this time, Natalie had appeared around her neck, and Scizor stood behind her. This reality was not so distinct. Sometimes, it seemed like a green world, one renewed, filled with pokemon, and people. Then, it seemed just as dead as the world she had come...
  4. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Meredith was with Quilava wandering around, playing with pokemon, though they never talked back to them. "Quilava... Why is everyone gone?" "Probably because, to you, they are gone... I mean, your parents, everyone you knew is dead. Not to be harsh, but... the only reality is...
  5. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Meredith looked around the town. Not a single person. Everyone she had grown up with was gone. Even in this re-created town, she would never see her parents again. More pressing was the question of what had become of her new friends. Cal, Thorn, and her beloved Beryl. Day and...
  6. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (Bit of a rest, but not quite what you may be expecting. We're entering the 'End Game', I'm afraid, in case you haven't figured that out. Long post ahead.) Meredith took a deep breath, and withdrew Blip. "Okay... I'm going to withdraw Lapras... We'd better go, now". And she...
  7. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End As they sailed ever closer to the twisting towers of rock, the pulling sensation became worse and worse. "I've got a bad feeling about this. I feel like I'm going to be pulled up into that thing." Lapras spoke up. "That would serve our purposes, wouldn't it? We're trying to...
  8. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Meredith felt the wind rushing past her, miles and miles of ocean zooming by faster than she could register. When she came out of it, the usual nausousness was completly overridden by other feelings. Shock. Horror. Disbelief. "I... I..." It was as the clone of Mew had...
  9. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (I'd like to skip right to our arrival at Sinnoh, if there are no objections)
  10. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End The first Island on the map was a much needed blessing after Blip's teleportation. After laying out the sleeping bag's, and letting the pokemon get some fresh air, the group huddled around a fire maintained by Quilava. Meredith was right against Beryl, enjoying was was...
  11. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End "Not for a while...we just got side effects, Blip had to go through pulling us all with her, she needs a good long rest before we can try that again. Best thing now is to just sail to that island." With that, she threw up, over the side of Lapras. He was not pleased. "If you...
  12. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Blip focused on where they wanted to be, in her minds eye, she saw them, only a few hours from the first island on their journey. She pulled at parts of the mind of Ralts, to find how to pull everyone with her, and to make sure they all arrived safely, without disturbing any...
  13. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Blip transformed from the form of the Smeargle, to the Ralts, and attempted a Teleport. It was slightly more successful than Ferien's attempt, though this was simply because She didn't want to throw herself off, into the water. "If you all trust me, I can try to move us all at...
  14. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End "Not true. Ferien can use teleport, it's just a matter of age and experience. If Blip transforms into Ferien, She should be able to use the ability with a bit more experience. To be safe, we won't jump as much, or as often as we planned, but it will still cut ALOT of time of...
  15. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Setting off, Meredith stayed as close to Beryl as she could. Blip did indeed keep Thorn company, but She sometimes forgot she was also supposed to be helping Pablo keep the Barrier going. They sailed until Olivine was no longer visible on the horison. Meredith looked up at...
  16. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End Meredith paused for a second, her nerves almost stopping her from saying it. She looked into the eyes of the young man, who had, for no particular reason, agreed to follow her on what was almost definitly a pointless mission. She felt gratitude beyond measure, for everything...
  17. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (accepting 1 person, if they apply quick) The time to set off came much too soon. Releasing Lapras onto the ocean, and insuring that the Protect was working, to keep Lapras' skin from burning off in the acidic waters, Meredith began to load everything onto the King of the Sea...
  18. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (accepting 1 person, if they apply quick) The funeral for Staro was a silent affair. Meredith spent much of the time leaning against Beryl, and crying. Scizor had cut a rather large rock into a headstone, to mark the place where their friend had been laid to final rest. It...
  19. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (Okay, Pretzel and Blaziking are out. No offense, but I want to keep this going, and I've been giving fair warning.) Long Post: The scene was uplifting. One of hope, one that made the entire group feel charged, sure that they could accomplish this goal. Blip ran around...
  20. Alliniere

    After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

    Re: After the End (jumping ahead then) The pokemon center was positivly charged with the energy our merry band of travellers were putting out. Blip was attempting to "just look" at Thorn's shiny new badge, Meredith(And the glittering Dratini, Natalie, around her neck) was sitting with Beryl...
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