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Search results

  1. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Hope not. Just other ex-humans and their descendants." Nova traced something vaguely empoleon shaped in the air with a talon, which he then used to signal he was ready to pay. "Well, that did hit the spot. But it's getting late. And I've got a longer walk home than you do." He sure hoped...
  2. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    At Astrid's question, Nova's crest drooped and his ears folded slightly. "I've... been thinking about that. Sorta. Since Owen got swept away." Sighing, he finished the last of his food. "Why we're here. Why us outsiders get so strong so quick, even if we don't have good intentions." He looked...
  3. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    A tiny chirrup escaped Nova's beak. He blinked several times, then nibbled his shoulder. Nope, not a dream. "If he wins, I get the feeling we'll be ousting our second politician of the year."
  4. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Nova stared blankly. "That didn't happen already?" Well, now he felt like he was living under a rock...
  5. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Well, y'know, there's merit to that." Nova leaned over and pecked his empty glass affectionately. "The art of confusion. Do something so weird it screws with the other guy's head." He paused, then. "I'd just, y'know, buy something from the general store to wash your mouth out with." He ate...
  6. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Oh, you mean Count Dorkula?" Nova laughed. "Pretty sure he was role playing as one of those creatures from horror stories that can turn into the crobat line and suck people's blood out by biting them." He reared up on his hind legs. "And zey talk in ze funny accents like bleh bleh bleh I vant...
  7. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    It was at that point their food arrived. "Uh, let's get a couple of glasses of water, too," Nova said, his voice even scratchier than before. "To be safe." He laughed nervously, then took a large bite of the steak sandwich. His insides were already feeling a little less bubbly. "Luz seemed to...
  8. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Nova looked at her paw. "Hmm." He finished off the rest of his drink, leaving only excess froth in the mug as it clanked around the table before settling. "The Rangers have that haxorus monk. Razael, I think? And we've got a link to his home, the Abbey. They've got monks and people studying...
  9. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "I think we will," Nova said. He grabbed the drink and chugged a mouthful. He shook himself out. "The human stuff is..." His voice trailed off. "It's complicated," was what he settled on, unsure if the drink or corruptive energy had nearly pushed him to stay something else. "I like our friends...
  10. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess your Sage is actually a grass-type?" Nova chuckled, watching Astrid drink. Then he sighed. "Sage is... very sheltered. The woman who built me loaded me up with all this data about people and nature and all that stuff." He shook his head glumly. "Sage...
  11. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Actually a few weeks apart." Nova lifted his head from the glass. "Mine was just from having a couple of folks say they consider me helpful and a friend and stuff." He leaned forward and sipped more. "Gladion's came off trying to break Sage out of their shadowed frenzy." He lifted his head...
  12. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Probably?" Nova peered at his frothy reflection. "I've been... reacquainting myself with this stuff. Never could taste it with the mask." He lapped at some of it in a rather sloppy manner. "What's your poison? I don't have a rent to worry about these days, so I can cover."
  13. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place
    Threadmarks: [Ch05] Astrid & Nova ~ Well, that escalated quickly...

    (Takes place before Nova/Sybil.) Having left the Haus, Nova's growling stomach won out and kept him from returning to the abandoned cabin. With his shabby appearance, the Zera seemed more appropriate to visit, but that place was more for drinking than proper food. So, he trudged over to Nina's...
  14. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Nova polished off the last of the sandwich. "It's, uh, a hell of a place. In more ways than you can imagine." He nudged the empty plate across the bar counter, then placed the necessary coins beside it. "Good talking with you. Hope you get some rest." He stood up and winked. "Y'know, from your...
  15. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "I suppose so," Nova said. He took a rather large bite of what was left of his sandwich. "Though I've seen and known some pokémon that can build some wild machinery."
  16. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Yeah." Nova looked down blankly at his sandwich and blinked a few times. "Wait, you do have humans in your world? I figured you'd be from somewhere more like Mhynt's world. Or maybe Isidora's..."
  17. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "I wouldn't call something with the power over fate itself a simple weapon," Nova said, leaning over to nibble the steak sandwich. He sighed. "The man who had it where I was from called himself a pokémon wielder instead of a trainer. Which kinda speaks to how he viewed me."
  18. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Nova tilted his heard. "Err... I kinda just said it? The whole 'multiple lives' thing." His fur prickled a bit and he sighed. "There are... several reborn souls back home. Working together to stop the human who once wielded the Red Chain. They don't realize the truth yet."
  19. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Huh. So, like, a superstition, then," Nova said between bites of food. "Ghost zoroark are far too rare for anyone to know anything about them. Even the one I'm still aware of pretends to be the usual dark-type. He claims it's to blend in, but I know the truth." He took another bite and...
  20. Ambyssin

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "No." Nova's food had arrived. He managed not to start drooling this time so he could properly finish his thought before taking any bites. "A ruling monarch where I'm from is a dragapult, I believe. And she has nine dreepy."
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