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Search results

  1. A

    Differences between men and women

    Again, look at case studies of feral children (not the ones raised in basements tied to potties, I mean the ones who lived wild with no human interaction). The only social conditioning that they have recieved is through the wild animals they interact with or are 'adopted' by. As unfortunate as...
  2. A

    Differences between men and women

    Do you have any sources to back this up? Because as far as I know, this statement is absolutely laughable. There are selective pressures that will not allow the loss of the important reproductive genes in the y chromosome. Primarily the ability to reproduce. (And Zeta Reticuli wasn't talking...
  3. A

    Differences between men and women

    I personally don't think there are any real differences on a most basic physical level in the brain. I think we could look at feral humans as an example, without any of the social conditioning they didn't develop the gender roles that we are familiar with (or any differentiation of gender for...
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