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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    OrngSumb, the acting Mafia, was roleblocked.
  2. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 4] Watchmen: The Mafia (4-2-2 in favor of lynching OrngSumb) "What the hell!" shouted the security guard as seven superheroes walked past him. "You can't go in there! You can't-" A forceful jab to the throat from Nite Owl. "This way," spoke Doctor Manhattan. Nite Owl, the Silk...
  3. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 4] Watchmen: The Mafia Bernie almost sighed in relief when his morning delivery of papers came in. No headlines about dead current or former masks. Maybe it was just a freak occurrence. No one is dead. You have 47 hours for discussion.
  4. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 3] Watchmen: The Mafia No one is dead. You have 48 hours for night actions.
  5. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 3] Watchmen: The Mafia Just a reminder: post all lynch votes and abstentions in bold, or they will not be counted.
  6. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 2] Watchmen: The Mafia Bernard, the newspaper vendor, was shocked when his morning delivery of papers came in. FOLLOWING VEIDT SUICIDE, HERO FOUND DEAD "Jesus Christ, that's three now." Yesterday, a hero had been found dead in his apartment. Police ruled it homicide. Now...
  7. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 2] Watchmen: The Mafia Oops.
  8. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Day 2] Watchmen: The Mafia In his office, Adrian Veidt was still planning his kill that night when he heard footsteps walk up to the door. In an instant, the door was kicked down, and seven superheroes entered forcefully. Adrian stood defensively. "We know it's you, Ozy," a deep voice...
  9. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 1] Watchmen: The Mafia (Six hours late- sorry) Adrian Veidt sighed contentedly as he read the headline of his morning paper. SUPERHERO FOUND DEAD After yesterday's failure, Adrian once again was reinvigorated with confidence. Hopefully tonight's kill went as well as last night's...
  10. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 1] Watchmen: The Mafia Since I've only gotten one night action, I'm going to permanently extend night actions to 48 hours. Obviously 24 isn't long enough. You have an additional 24 hours for night actions.
  11. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 0] Watchmen: The Mafia Among the heroes of New York, a consensus was not reached. Not wanting to act rashly, they decide to wait until tomorrow. You have 24 hours for night actions.
  12. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 0] Watchmen: The Mafia There is at least one inspector. The night phase wasn't extended for lack of night actions, but for late night actions. I just wanted to start it at exactly 12 PM EST.
  13. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 0] Watchmen: The Mafia Meh, I'm new at this, so I get an excuse. xD;;; There is a doctor. There isn't an alien.
  14. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 0] Watchmen: The Mafia (Three hours late, sorry) Adrain Veidt was anxious as his secretary brought the morning paper to his desk. When it arrived, his eyes widened in shock. How could this have happened? There were no headlines, absolutely no mention of a dead superhero. Someone...
  15. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Re: [Night 0] Watchmen: The Mafia Due to some people sending in their night actions late, you have an additional 18 hours (Day phase starts at 12 PM EST).
  16. Aobaru

    [INNOCENT WIN] Watchmen: The Mafia

    Many stories above the city below, Adrian Veidt sat at his desk, calmly stroking his pet, Bubastis. "It is time." Veidt had been planning the assault for years. Ever since tensions between the United States and Russia had ignited, the threat of nuclear holocaust loomed. Veidt had to stop it...
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